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"Damn it, Yoongi!"

Jungkook groaned, while rubbing his eyes with his inner palms. He had been reading the same sentence out loud to Yoongi for the past ten minutes only to have the blonde continue to stare at him confusingly.

"Are you even listening?"

Yoongi blushed for what felt like the fifth time today. I mean, how the hell was he supposed to concentrate, let alone listen, when this was his first official study session with his first official caregiver. It was hard to be in the same room as his daddy without being in little space after spending the whole day yesterday little. Obviously, he wouldn't say his reason for spacing out and staring at his partner, Jungkook would surely get all cocky if he knew the effect he had on Yoongi.

Jungkook let out a sigh and glanced around the library. They were sitting in their usual seat; the secluded table in the way back corner hidden behind the bookshelves. There wasn't anyone but them, so Jungkook took his chance to see what really had Yoongi unfocused today.

He ran his large hand through Yoongi's slightly messy hair, rating his hand on the other's nape. "You've been spacing out all day Yoonie, what's wrong?" Yoongi pouted and gazed up into Jungkook's eyes. He didn't say anything, just stared up at his caregiver, slowly feeling himself slip.

"Yoonie don't get it, daddy," he whined, glaring down at the textbook Jungkook had been reading from. He crossed his arms over his chest and let out a soft huff, while puffing out his cheeks. "I-It hawd."

Jungkook grinned widely. Rubbing Yoongi's nape, he pecked the little's forehead. "Should we take a break then, baby?" Yoongi blushed when he felt a pair of lips come in contact with his skin. He nodded shyly. Jungkook scooted his chair out and motioned for the little to sit on his lap. Yoongi obeyed and straddle his daddy, titling his head to the side.

"Take a nap then, baby boy. We can finish this later."

"B-but what if someone sees Yoonie?" he asked, though his actions seemed to show that he didn't care. Wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck and burying his face in his chest, he let out a satisfied sigh. Yups, a nap was all he needed right now.

"Well it looks like you don't really care if someone sees you," Jungkook chuckled softly, snaking his arms around Yoongi's waist, "besides it's just us here."

They did see, nor did they notice the boy behind the bookshelves, crouched down on the floor. He hide himself from the two, nodding his head with a knowing look.

"Yoongi's a little."

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