Saturday Night Football

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Saturday morning, the sun was beaming down over Texas leaving Ricky feeling the sun on his skin as he walked down the street swinging his keys in his hands. Since he couldn't drive, he'd usually either take the bus places or walk. He took the bus as far as he could before walking half a mile to his destination.

His brown hair was up in a bun and his flannel was about to start sticking to his skin if he didn't get out the sun, but luckily he walked through the parking lot and into the air conditioned building. Ricky walked up to the front counter and gave a gentle smile to the woman behind the check in desk.

"Hello." Ricky spoke. "I'm here for visitation hours. I'm here for Ethan Hernandez."

The woman just nodded her head as she grabbed a walkie talkie and spoke into it. She picked up a clipboard and slid it across the desk to him along with a pen. Ricky quickly signed his name, wrote the time, and wrote Ethan's full name. Soon Ricky saw a guard walk up to him and lead him into a room. Before he could even fully walk in, the guard padded him down and made sure he didn't have anything he wasn't suppose to have.

The guard nodded his head once before guiding Ricky over to a brown wooden table with two chairs. He sat down and waited patiently for Ethan to come into the room. Only two other people were in the room. Ricky was guessing it was the boy's mother by the way she was crying and begging him to get clean so he could come home.

Ricky just shuffled in his seat and looked around. His eyes shot to a door on the far side of the room when he heard the door be automatically unlocked and footsteps come through. Ricky smirked when he saw Ethan shuffling through the room in his navy blue jumpsuit along with a pair of slippers the facility provided him.

"Good morning." Ricky smiled, watching Ethan sit across from him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Bite me." Ethan spoke groggily. "What'd you come up here for? See me when I'm down?"

Ricky shook his head as he stared at Ethan sitting across from him. His elbow was propped up on the table and his fist was supporting his chin. "Nah. I know how lonely it is to sit around with people you don't want to be around and feel like the minutes turn into hours. Decided to come keep you company for a little bit."

Ethan chuckled but stopped when he heard he voice of the boy behind him. Ethan turned around and made eye contact with Justin before turning back around to face Ricky.

"What? That your roommate? Or cell mate? Or whatever they call it here." Ricky wondered, sitting back and crossing his arms.

Ethan shook his head. "No. A kid who messes with me. He's even wearing my Jordan's right now, too. Stole them from me at knife point. Him and his best friend Craig never leave me alone anymore. It sucks cause usually I'd just beat their heads in but I lay a finger on them then I'm...I'm somewhere a lot worse than here."

Ricky nodded as he kept his eyes on Justin. Justin made eye contact with Ricky, but Ricky didn't back down. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Justin looked away.

"Practice Monday, I'll teach you a couple tricks. Until then..." Ricky trailed off, looking Justin up and down. "You're gonna be all talk for a couple days. You being you, I think you'll make it running your mouth. Say you'll slit his throat in his sleep, if y'all were on the outside, you'd ram his head into the concrete. I don't know, make it violent." Ricky shrugged. "A real fist fight, you'd beat him. Knife fight..." Ricky chuckled. "I don't feel like pulling out my funeral clothes."

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