Case Open

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Tuesday morning after one of their classes, Jose and Colby were walking to their science class together. Since it was across the school, they took their time and didn't care if they were late to class.

"Carry my books, my arms are tired." Colby complained, handing Jose his textbooks.

Jose took them and held them in his arms as he stared at the side of his boyfriend's face. Colby licked his lips and ran his fingers through his long black hair before putting it up in a bun on the top of his head with ease.

"Why're you staring at me?" Colby asked, not looking at his significant other. "It's weird."

Jose chuckled as they went into the next wing, right as the bell rang. "Cause you're ugly as hell. I wonder why I'm with such a troll."

Colby laughed loudly than stopped suddenly to glare at his boyfriend. "Like you?"

Jose clicked his tongue and nodded his head. "Bet." He said, throwing Colby's textbooks one by one over his shoulder. "Carry your own shit." He scoffed, still walking.

Colby groaned as he bent down and picked one up. "You ass. Come on. My arms hurt. Victor didn't let me stop lifting until I felt like my arms were going to fall apart last night."

Jose stopped to wait for Colby who was now trailing behind him, picking up all his books. "Say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry?!" Colby protested.

"Forgiven." Jose teased, turning around and continuing to walk as school security was yelling down the hall from them to get to class.

Colby scoffed as he caught up to Jose and gave him the books. "You called me ugly first but okay. Whatever."

Jose walked closer to Colby and pecked his cheek. "You know you love me. I'm your right hand man. Can't live without me. And you know it."

Colby chuckled as he nodded. "I do. I do love you. Don't know why though."

Jose instantly stopped in his tracks hearing the words leave Colby's mouth. "What...?" He gasped.

Colby stopped and turned around to see where Jose went. He frowned seeing the shocked expression on his face. "What's with you? Why'd you stop? You know Ms—"

"You love me?" Jose blurted out. "You just said it. You love me."

Colby nodded, confused. "Yeah. I said it. What's the big deal."

"You've never told me that before." Jose pointed out, walking closer to him.

Colby frowned as he put his hand on Jose's face. "I haven't. Oh, oops. Well I do. You love me? Or am I your groupie?"

"I love you too." Jose smiled, letting Colby plant a kiss on his lips.


Meanwhile a few hours later, instead of going to their assigned classes Stephen, Jose, Diego, and Jacob skipped class to go to Ethan's gym period. They had a plan to confront Clover in a public place about her dating Ricky since they knew she wouldn't lash out at them with so many witnesses.

The five boys were huddled up in the corner of the gym away from everyone else talking to each other. Ethan had taken off his gym shirt so it wasn't as obvious that the rest of the boys weren't suppose to be there.

"Where is she?" Jose asked, scanning the gym full of students. "She in here or the other gym?"

"She's always in here." Ethan said, turning around and looking for the short girl. "There she is. She's talking with those girls." He pointed out.

The boys looked at Clover dressed in her black cropped sweater that barely covered her chest, black tube top, jeans, and black sneakers. She was talking and laughing with a group of girls about something that they couldn't hear.

Stephen burped from the three candy bars he had eaten last period. "That girl better not be making the biggest mistake of her life."

Diego sighed, shoving his fist into his sweatshirt pocket. "Who you tellin'? She's been so distant about this. She's been sneaky lately. It's either now or never cause if we're too late she's not gonna back out the relationship."

"Let's go." Jacob shrugged. He started to walk off towards the quarterback with the boys following behind him, but before they could get close enough, they saw her leave the gym and go off into the back hallway.

"Let's go after her." Ethan whispered, running towards the doors Clover went out of. He caught the door from closing and peaked his head out to see her walking down the hallway with her phone in her hand.

The five boys slowly left the gym and followed her as quickly and as sneakily as they could. When Clover turned a corner, they stopped at it and looked around it to watch her. She stopped in the middle of the hallway and froze in her shoes.

All five boys' hearts stopped and hid behind the corner when they heard another set of footsteps coming near them, this time they were heavier.

"What'd you want to talk about?"

"You know what." Clover said.

Ethan scooted closer to the corner and looked around it to see who she was talking to, despite them all recognized the voice of their athletic trainer Danny.

"What're they doing?" Diego whispered.

Ethan shook his head as he watched Clover and Danny whisper to one another. "They're talking. She's all over him though. I can't hear them."

Ethan watched as Clover put her hands on Danny's chest and tried to persuade him into siding with her, but he kept shaking his head. Clover stood on her toes so their faces were closer, but Danny shook his head again and kept his hands in his pants pockets until she got so close he couldn't resist but to grab her hips.

Ethan could feel the boys leaning on top of him to try and see what was happening. Stephen scoffed under his breath making sure neither of the two heard them.

"What is she doing?" He scoffed.

But before the boys could try and come up with an answer, Danny said it himself when he gently pushed Clover off of him.

"I'm not lying for you." Danny shook his head. "Mateo needs to know about your back. It's your new normal. It's what you gotta live with so you might as well except it and move on with life. You're flair up was bad yesterday and I can't just move pass that when you're screaming in pain."

Clover shoved him back, but he barely moved. "You're messing with my championship, Danny. I'm not trying to sit on the sidelines when I can win, again. We all know I'm not gonna make it as far as people hope, so let me have this."

Danny shook his head. "Sorry. I'm telling him."

All of the boys got up and ran off when they saw Clover glare at him, knowing she was going to turn around and storm off towards them to go back to the gym. Right before she could turn around, the six boys got up and sprinted into the gym. When they went in, they lined up against the wall by the door and watch as just a minute later an angry Clover came in and walked right pass them.

"I guess she's not with Danny." Jacob breathed.

Jose let out a deep breath as he sank to the floor. "But we still need to know if she's with Ricky. Ask her now and she'll rip our heads off."

Ethan put his hand on top of Jose's head and nodded agreeing with him. "I guess the case is still open."

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