"Girls can do whatever boys can do."

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Thursday morning was full of medical examinations for all of the players participating in the state game. When each player was finished getting examined intensely, they were sent to their hotel room to get some rest, shower, change, and meet with their team for breakfast. All day today and tomorrow was media and practice.

The biggest issue for the hotel was the fact that they had to nearly give up their entire hotel to the media who were all over the state game nicknamed The Game of Equality; Female Quarterback vs Female Quarterback. The only huge issue was the fact that these two teams hated each other. Security had to keep the Vipers and Jaguars apart at all times unless in interviews or press conferences, but security was still present. They even had to stay on two different floors of the hotel, four floors apart.

Clover fixed her hair as she walked out the elevator with Manny right behind her. She was in a casual outfit while Clover was dressed in a black tube top, her varsity jacket, and a black skirt with black tights. She fixed her black boot heels that she would later change for sneakers.

Manny fixed Clover's curly hair as they followed behind Victor into one of the rooms in the lobby of the hotel for an interview. When Clover walked in, she expected to see one of the boys. The African American girl looked back at Victor who gently pushed her to the chair in front of the cameras and interviewer.

"Don't kill her." Victor whispered. "Play nice. There's cameras everywhere."

Clover glared at the older man, but sat down and leaned back. She waited patiently as she greeted the interviewer and shook his hand before the door opened and closed. Nonie walked into the room to instantly see cameras, producers, lights set up, and Clover Jones sitting right there.

Clover noticed she had a woman behind her who stood off to the side along with Manny and Victor. Nonie walked over in her red and blue plaid shirt, black skirt, thigh high heels, hair up in a bun, and her varsity jacket over her shoulders.

The two girls didn't speak to one another as Nonie settled down in the chair directly next to Clover's.

The producers set up the cameras and got mics onto the girls so they could hear them when they spoke. As they waited, Clover felt Nonie nudge her. The Dallas native glared at the San Antonio girl, but Nonie didn't react to the death glare.

"I'm sorry." Nonie apologized. "I'm sorry about what happened between you and my boys. I side with you when the topic comes up between our team. I'm not as close to the boys anymore. Broke up with Doug, too."

Clover could see the genuine sympathy behind Nonie's eyes and behind the tone in her voice. "Forgiven." She said simply. "I'm over it. But my boys never will be."

Nonie nodded her head as she stared at the scars still covering Clover's forehead and cheek. "Understandable." She noted. "I'm also really sorry about what I said about your boyfriend that one night. That crossed the line. I should've never said that. I'm really sorry."

Clover glared at her, but softened her stare when she saw how sorry Nonie really was. She could see the remorse and regret not only written across her face, but deep in her eyes. Clover could tell that statement was eating away at Nonie's soul.

"I'll forgive you one day." She replied. "One day."

Nonie nodded her head once, understanding it wasn't something Clover could just let go easily.

"Alright!" One of the producers said loudly. "Girls looking this way. Lights, check. Camera, check. In three, two," the producer pointed to the interviewer who looked at the camera behind the two girls.

"Hi, I'm Gerald Hansen for ESPN Fox Sports. In just 48 hours will be the high school state game that has everyone talking." He smiled. "The game of equality. The first time in Texas State history that two female starting quarterbacks have gone head to head. Reigning from San Antonio, the starting varsity quarterback for the Vipers is Nonie Gray. A 4.0 student with a division two scholarship to the University of Findlay. And reigning from Dallas, the starting varsity quarterback for the Jaguars is Clover Jones. The first girl to win a Texas state championship last year, the youngest woman to win the woman of the year award from the Women's Empowerment Organization, and the only female to compete in the football college combine ranking third. Now I sit with these powerful young women, and I have to say, I'm impressed."

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