Game Changer

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Tuesday morning, Diego had already parked his truck and was standing outside the school with Jacob and Stephen waiting on Ethan and Jose to get to school. Jacob had to get a ride from Diego now that Ricky had a suspended license and usually got a ride from his mom or Victor, and Jacob would rather ride with Diego.

"Here's speedy." Stephen mumbled, watching Jose walking up to them after parting ways with Colby.

Jose smirked to them as he stood in the shade with them under a tree. "What's up?"

Diego shook his head as he kept texting on his phone. "Waiting on Ethan."

"He's right there." Jacob pointed out, motioning to Ethan doing a little dance as he walked towards them and away from the unmarked police car.

"Hola, mi amigos." Ethan smiled brightly. "What do I owe this surprise?"

None of the boys replied as they just stared at Ethan like he was crazy, which was their usual look towards their Spanish friend. All of their attention was taken away from Ethan and to their phones when they got a text in their group chat.

From: Rocky
Y'all need to get to the field now. Charms just got here with Danny

He then attached a picture of Danny and Clover hanging outside his car smiling at each other.

The boys instantly took off running around the school which earned them some looks, but they ignored them. All five boys sprinted to the football field and to the parking lot where they saw Clover and Danny kissing outside his car. Danny's hand was on her waist while Clover had her hands on his chest, her bags were in Danny's other hand.

The boys were in pure shock watching the scene unfold. Clover then pulled away from the kiss and took her bags from Danny. She said something to him before walking away.

Clover only got a couple feet until she noticed the boys attempting to hide behind some bushes. She didn't change her emotionless facial expression as she walked towards them.

"Is there a reason why y'all are hiding behind some bushes?" She wondered.

"Is there a reason why you're making out with our athletic trainer?" Diego shot back.

Clover starred at him blankly. "People usually make out with their boyfriends when they drive them to school...." She pointed out.

All five of the boys' jaws dropped. Clover walked around them and to the school, listening to them following behind her asking her questions.

"Since when?"


"You can't date a 25 year old man."

"The state of Texas says I can."

"Have y'all even gone on a date?"

"Last night." She answered. "He took me bowling."

The boys followed her into the school and to her locker. She kept answering their questions as she didn't even look at them.

"Well..." Stephen trailed off. "We're telling Mateo."

Clover looked at him seriously as she unlocked her locker. After about a second, she giggled and threw her book bag inside.

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