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Saturday night, while it rained outside and the house was quiet, Manny laid on her bed with Bryce, the father of her baby, next to her. Bryce and Manny didn't often hang out outside of her doctor appointments, going baby shopping together, or decorating their nurseries in their individual homes.

Bryce was rubbing circles on Manny's baby bump while she watched him. They were originally watching a movie, but once it was over they just sat in silence together. Manny put her hand over Bryce and guided it over to where their baby girl was kicking.

"Do you have to leave soon?" Manny whispered, hoping Bryce didn't have to leave. "Your girlfriend want you back home?"

Bryce looked up at Manny with his big brown eyes. He gave her a half smile before dropping it and leaning back into his own space on the couch. "Nah, I don't have work. And I don't have a girlfriend...any more, at least. We broke up."

Manny frowned seeing him fidgeting with the SnapBack that was on his head. His bushy black eyebrows shot up when he catch her stare.


"Why y'all break up?" She wondered. "What happened?"

"You really wanna know?" Bryce wondered, slouching on the couch and putting one of his feet on the coffee table. "It's quite embarrassing. I mean, it's not...but I don't like to admit it to people."

Manny turned her body towards to him. "Really? It's embarrassing. Now I gotta know. What? She find out you sleep walk? Or you sleep with a nightlight?"

Bryce laughed, resting his hands on his lower stomach as he just stared forward for a couple seconds than turned his head to look her in the eyes.

"You're funny, Manny." He complimented. "But she found another guy. He's actually her ex. I found out when we were suppose to meet for dinner and...she never showed. 30 minutes went by, than an hour, and than two hours. I kept calling and texting her and she didn't answer. I called her sister, her mom. They didn't know where she was. Finally she answered after I was ready to call the police thinking she was murdered or something, and she...she was up the street at a club that they snuck into. I could hear the guy telling her to hang up the phone and do a shot with her. I could barely hear her over the music, but it was quite clear that we were over."

Manny reached over and rubbed Bryce's arm to comfort him, but he just placed his hand over her's. "I'm fine. It's no biggie. I got more time now to spend with my little girl." He smiled widely, reaching over and feeling their daughter kick. "She's all I want."

Manny gave Bryce a smile before her stomach growled. "I'm starving." She whispered. "I've been hungry this entire conversation and I didn't wanna be rude."

Bryce smirked and let out a chuckle as he pulled himself off the couch and helped Manny up. "Than lets get dinner. Hopefully you don't blow me off either."

Manny smiled while Bryce grabbed his keys. "Not if your paying I won't."


Monday afternoon, while the football players were heading to the gym for their indoor practice since it was pouring raining outside, Clover was walking the familiar hallways of the school with her book bag on her back.

The African American girl was going to detention for fighting at the game. Despite it being an away game and technically not on school grounds, it was a school function and Clover had to have consequences.

Clover walked into the English class where the detention was being held and saw a skinny black haired woman sitting behind her desk. Clover ignored the five other students in the class and sat in the very back corner furthest away from the teacher and sat down. She dropped her book bag down on the floor and took her phone out of her jean's pocket.

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