Monday Curse

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Monday morning, like any other one for him, Ethan was woken up by the guard that was going to take him to school 40 minutes before they had to leave. He took a shower in the bathroom that everyone in his population ward used, got dressed in there since no one else was up at that time, and left out of the bathroom like always.

Ethan had just finished brushing his teeth with a toothbrush that the facility gave him and was about to leave the bathroom when he stopped in his tracks. Ethan looked up to see a groggy and yawning Craig walking into the bathroom.

Craig looked up at Ethan and gave him a weak smirk. "Hey, Smash Williams. You going to school like the good little boy you are?"

Ethan just nodded and tried to slide pass him, but Craig got in his way. "What happened here?" He chuckled amused, poking the side of Ethan's neck.
"I see you use your day pass well. Who's the girl who gave you all those hickeys on your neck?"

Ethan put his hand over his neck and slid pass Craig.
"Doesn't matter." He mumbled.

Craig went to reach back and grab Ethan by his shirt, but a guard clearing their throat made him stop. The guard walked up to them before Craig could do anything. "Use the bathroom than go back to bed. Come on, Hernandez."

Ethan didn't look back at Craig as he went to his room, put his toothbrush on his bed, grabbed his book bag, and followed the guard out the population ward so he could go to school

By the time Ethan got to school, the sun had came up and he saw his best friend waiting outside for him. Ethan chuckled as he jumped out the car the second it stopped.

"Man, I never knew how happy I'd be to see you."
Ethan smiled, doing one of their many handshakes with him.

Jose chuckled as he walked into school with him. "Oh yeah? One day in the facility and you're acting like you've never been outside before."

"Yeah well, you don't know what it's like." Ethan breathed, walking down the hallway to his locker. He took a deep breath looking around.

"Maybe the Monday after homecoming won't be as bad as last years." Ethan sighed. "I'm not trying to get shot in the leg today. Hopefully there's no Monday curse. But I think there is."

"You're the dumbest person I know." Jose mumbled, texting their friends as they went to their lockers. "Let's go."


Two period later, Mila was walking to her science class with her binder in her hand. As she turned the corner to the hallway, she saw Jessica waiting for her.

"Hey, Homecoming Queen!" Mila smiled, putting her hand on Jessica's shoulder.

Jessica blushed with a cute giggle leaving her lips. "Thank you. But, I'm here to talk to you about how you weren't even there for me when I won! You ran off with Mr. Williams!"

"Shhh!" Mila hissed at her. "Don't be so loud. You'll get me in trouble. And you'll get him fired."

Jessica instantly pulled Mila into a bathroom and looked at her like she was insane. "You slept with him at homecoming? Are you crazy?!"

Mila quickly checked under the stalls to make sure they were empty before turning back to Jessica. "First of all, Jess, stop being so loud. And second, no I didn't! We didn't sleep together. We just went outside and talked...than I kissed him. He pulled away instantly and told me I was a student and he could get in huge trouble. But than I dragged him deeper into the parking lot and we made out again. It was dark, no one saw, we were safe. But I didn't sleep with him. No sex."

Jessica gave Mila a look that made her groan loudly. "Okay! We messed around a bit, but no sex."

"Mila!" Jessica tried not to yelled, stomping her feet around. "You can't get over Diego by messing around with his athletic trainer. It's not healthy. You're gonna get in trouble and he can go to jail!"

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