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Friday morning started out the same as the previous one. The players woke up, showered, got dressed, and got their outfits approved by their coaches. Half of today was a media day while the other half was strict practices and workouts for the team.

Danny was walking out the elevators with Diego, Stephen, and Ethan to escort them to an interview, when he saw one of the doctors looking over the state game walk up to him.

"Mr. Williams, we got the final test results for your team." He said, handing Danny the files with the results.

Danny nodded his head once. "Thank you, sir." He replied. He lead the boys to the room while focusing on the files.

Danny let out a deep breath once he finished reading the results and tucked the results under his arm, motioning for the boys to sit down.

Diego, Stephen, and Ethan sat down in the three chairs that were facing one way while there was another set of three chairs facing them with the interviewer sitting in between. The boys noticed a muscular security guard standing off behind the camera.

The Jaguars looked up when the door opened and one of the Viper coaches came in with Romeo, Henry, and Kenny from the Vipers. The six boys glared at one another as the three rivals boys took their seats.

"Okay." The interviewer breathed, taking a deep breath. "It's intense in here."

The producers made sure everything was ready before signaling to the interviewer that they were ready. He took a deep breath than looked at the camera in front of him.

"Good morning. Sat with me today are six of the toughest high school boys in the state. From the undefeated Dallas Jaguars we have starting defensive tackle Ethan Hernandez, starting middle linebacker Stephen Coleman, and starting outside linebacker Diego Martinez. And coming out of nowhere and challenging the current champions, the San Antonio Vipers, starting defensive tackle Romeo Merlo, starting middle linebacker Henry Dunn, and starting outside linebacker Kenny Smythe. Welcome boys."

All the boys muttered their greetings. The tension in the room making everyone uncomfortable. The interviewer took a deep breath and looked down at his notes.

"When it comes down to the game tomorrow night, what are your thoughts on the intensity that it could get to? The first game your two teams played, it was two undefeated streaks against each other. We'll start with the Vipers."

Romeo cleared his throat as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair and stared at the Jaguars with his blue eyes. "We're willing to put it all on the field. Time someone knocks these kids off their high horses."

Henry chuckled at Romeo's comment. "I speak for all of us when we say we'll do what we gotta do to win. We're not afraid to get hurt. Not like these pretty boys." He smiled, scratching his jawline.

Kenny nodded his head as he was slouched in his chair with his hands resting on his chest. "We're willing to die on that field." He tried to say seriously but it came out as a laugh.

Diego mimicked his laugh making the Viper boys stop. "Dying is easy, winning is hard." He reminded them. "You'll be dead and we'll still have the gold."

The three Jaguar boys showed off their state rings from last year that they made sure they wore to all of their interviews. They could see the jealous rage in the Vipers' eyes.


Meanwhile, Jacob was leaving the cafeteria of the hotel where most of the Jaguars were having breakfast. He checked his phone as he made his way to the elevators to get ready for practice. Once Jacob was inside the elevator, he hit the button for the floor all the Jaguars were on. Right as the doors were closing, a hand poked in and stopped them from closing.

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