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Saturday morning at only 10:30, Manny blinked her eyes open and felt a body next to her. She already knew who it was so she didn't move to quickly when she felt a hand on her baby bump where their baby was moving around.

"7 months."

Manny smirked as she rubbed her eyes before looking over a Bryce laying next to her. He was only in a pair of sweatpants. She had all of the blanket since she was also engulfed in her full body pregnancy pillow.

Manny put her hand on her stomach as she felt Bryce getting out of the bed. "How long until you have work?"

Bryce checked his phone that was charging on Manny's desk. "About an hour and a half."

The moment he turned around, he saw her sit up quickly and waddle off to the bathroom. "I gotta pee!" She squealed. She rushed into the bathroom as quickly as she could. When she finished in the bathroom, Manny washed her hands and went off into the living room. The moment she walked in she saw Bryce talking with her parents.

Manny scratched her itchy belly as she made her way over to the couch. She sat down and saw her mom sit down next to her while Mateo cooked breakfast with the help of Bryce.

"You sleep okay?" Kiara asked, pushing the flyaways out of Manny's face.

Manny nodded as she lifted up her shirt and looked at her stretch mark covered belly. "Yeah. I'm really hungry though."

Kiara smiled to her daughter before getting up and helping with breakfast while Manny relaxed and watched tv.


Meanwhile two hours later, Clover and Dante just arrived back to Dante's apartment from breakfast with his niece Ember and nephew Zeke. Dante was carrying everything they needed for the weekend while Clover was holding Ember's car seat with one hand while carrying Ember with the other.

The moment they walked into the apartment, Zeke ran over to Julio's game system and turned it on so he could play it. Dante just walked off to his room as his best friend and roommate Julio walked out the back hallway with an overnight bag in his hand.

"I'll see y'all later. I'm spending my weekend with the misses while y'all play house." Julio chuckled. He looked over his shoulder and whistled loudly. Clover smiled seeing his brown pit bull Rocco running out his room and stopping at his side.

"Hey Julio. Long time no see." Clover smirked. "How are you?"

Julio gave Clover a side hug and kissed her cheek as a greeting before opening the door. "Sup Clover. I'm good. You still being a badass?"

"2-0." She replied. "So far undefeated. Tryna get another ring on my finger."

Julio laughed as he opened the door for Rocco to walk out first before he walked out. "That's what I'm talking about. Good luck."

Clover walked into Dante's room while Julio locked the front door behind himself. The moment Clover walked in with Ember in her arms, she saw Dante easily opening up the playpen and throwing some toys inside.

"I think we'll make it. So far so good." Dante smirked. "They're four years old and two months. How hard could this be?"

Clover just glanced at him while she handed him the car seat, gave him Ember, and grabbed his car keys out his pocket. "I have a football meeting in 45 minutes. Go crazy, Superman." She kissed his lips once before walking out the room.

"I have a meeting tomorrow." Dante called out after her. "Don't forget!"

"I won't!" She yelled back. The second Clover walked out the apartment, Dante heard Ember's shrieks fill up the room.

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