Tying Up Loose Ends

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Wednesday was the last day that the football players had for a full day of school this week, since they'd be traveling to Houston for their state game the following morning. So, Diego took that as his chance to follow Madison's advice.

In the middle of the day during school, Diego rushed to Mila's locker since he knew she stopped there before her fifth period class. When he got there, he saw her closing her locker and about to walk off, so he sprinted over to her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Can we talk real quick?" He asked softly. "Please?"

Mila sighed, but nodded. She looked at their feet when he begun talking, but slowly looked up to meet his eyes.

"I made the biggest mistake of my life trying to get with Hannah. I shouldn't have even thought about doing that, but looking back I thought if it as my way out of a relationship that I cherished so much. Now, I gotta live with the fact that I broke your heart, something I never planned on doing. Honestly, love used to be the dumbest thing in the world to me. When I heard Stephen say he loved Jessica, I thought it was just in his head. When Clover's head-over-heels in love with her boyfriend, I thought it was just something girly. But somehow you've gotten pass that bullshit barrier and gotten to my heart. My cold, lifeless, dead heart. The first time I cheated on you, it was because I knew I was falling for you and I didn't know what that was like. Then...then I tried to break your heart more times so you'd hate me but when you would even cry, frown, show the slightest bit of sadness, I'd back out cause I didn't want to hurt you. It's humbling and made me realize that...that maybe I'm not as bad as all my friends say I am. Mila Sofía Ana Knight-Flores, Lo siento. Estoy realmente apenado. Lo siento."
(I am sorry. I'm really ashamed. I'm sorry.)

Mila looked up at him and took a deep breath. "Te perdono."
(I forgive you.)

Diego smiled softly, but it dropped when the bell rang. He looked back down at her and let out a deep breath. "Someone gave me the advice to not jump back into a relationship. Back into this right away. You and I should probably be...friends first. As much as I hate the idea of that."

Mila smirked and stood on her toes. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed his cheek. "I'll be there at the sidelines for the state game, alright? I still got your back. So, I ain't going no where."

"So friends for now?" He sighed, watching her retreat to her natural height.

Mila grabbed Diego's hand and pulled his pinky up. She wrapped her smaller one around his and smiled softly, making them pinky promise.

"For now. I'll give you an answer when I'm ready." She assured him. "Go win that game. I know y'all leave tomorrow morning."

Diego felt her pinky leave his when their hands dropped down. "You gonna wear my number?"

Mila playfully rolled her eyes and walked off. "I'll think about it."

Diego glanced over his shoulder at her, but smiled when she looked at him for a second. He let out a deep breath and threw his head back.

"Madison better be right about this."


Later that day, Ricky was sitting in his office before practice. He was reading over some notes and some medical papers for Danny and Mateo when he heard a knock on the door along with footsteps coming in.

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