Playoff Game One

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Friday night, like any other game, the Jaguars side was full of their family and friends supporting them. But it was different since tonight was their first playoff game, meaning they needed to stay undefeated or they lost their chance of gold.

Ricky, Manny, and Andrew were sitting on the sidelines in some chairs since the players were taking up the bench. Andrew had came down from college again today to watch their game after his own football practice, but he had to leave first thing in the morning to go to his own football game tomorrow night.

Ricky leaned back and crossed his arms as he listened to the reporters and cameramen on the sidelines a few yards away from them. They all wanted to see if these intense high school football games were going to end the way everyone expected them to.

Manny clapped and cheered as she watched Jacob run the ball into the endzone. She watched as he handed the ball to the referee than walked off away from him.

A few minutes later, Mateo was watching closely at the Jaguar defensive line as the play was called. He could hear Victor yelling at them from the sidelines, but he didn't react physically to it.

Sam burped as he threw his water bottle in the grass behind them and sighed seeing Danny chewing on gum next to him. "Quarterback needs to throw the ball away." He mumbled, seeing the opposing team's quarterback was holding onto the ball too long.

The boy threw the ball to one of his teammates, but Ethan jumped in front of him and caught it instead. The coaches erupted into yells along with the rest of the Jaguar sidelines seeing Ethan running right pass them, but they all gasped seeing a player hit Ethan from the side sending the Spanish boy into the cheerleaders.

The cheerleaders all jumped out the way and stayed back as Ethan groaned in pain at their feet. Mila made all of her teammates move back as Danny came running over with Ricky right on his heels.

"Hey, talk to me man." Danny said, kneeling down to Ethan. "What's up? What's hurting?"

Ricky sat on the ground above Ethan's head as he was facedown on the ground. With his hands on either side of his helmet.

Ethan rolled over onto his back and reached up to his helmet. He took it off and handed it to Ricky as he sat up. "Dude hit me hard as hell." He groaned. "I think I'm dying."

Danny smirked and shook his head as he helped Ethan up, knowing he was being dramatic. "Come on, big boy." He chuckled. "Just a hard hit. You're alright."

Everyone clapped for Ethan getting up and he even shook hands with the boy who hit him who stayed right behind Danny and Ricky the entire time to see if he was alright.

"Good hit." Ethan gave the boy props. "Knocked my ass down." He smirked, seeing the boy smile and nod to him.


At halftime, the Jaguars were winning with a score of 15-2. Mateo filed all the players into the locker room with Sam and Victor while Ricky, Manny, Andrew, and Danny stayed on the sidelines for halftime.

Mateo was about to walk off with the players into the locker rooms when he heard someone calling him from behind. He turned around to see the Grand Ridge principal, Mr. Simpson.

"Coach Sanchez, you got a minute to talk?" Simpson asked, walking up to him.

Mateo chewed on his bottom lip as he narrowed his eyes at the man. "Yeah, I'm free. Not coaching a playoff game or anything. Talk to Danny or Ricky. If it's that important, I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

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