"She's really..."

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Thursday morning, Mila and Jessica were leaving their lockers from getting their books for their first few classes. They were smiling and talking, but they faded when Macy walked up to them.

Macy ignored their mood changes and looked Mila right in the eyes. "You know, you're a lot more mature than I thought you were."

Mila looked at Jessica who was just as confused as she was before looking back at Macy. "Alright, I give up. What the hell are you talking about?"

Macy frowned. "I'm talking about Lo." She pointed out. "You know Lo has a kid, right?"

Mila shook her head quickly. "No he doesn't. You're trying to start up drama again." She rolled her eyes.

"You're joking right?" Macy wondered, all emotion leaving her face. "I've barely been at this school for 5 months and even I know that. Lo has a kid. Ask anyone around here. He was literally just hugging the little boy goodbye in the parking lot when his mom dropped him off to school. The kid called him daddy."

Jessica put her hand on Mila's arm when she saw how confused and slightly upset Mila was. "I can ask Stephen. If you want."

Macy looked at them confused. "Or you can just ask Lo. You know, your boyfriend. Damn. One boyfriend cheats on you and another lies about having a kid."

"He doesn't have a kid!" Mila yelled. "Let's go ask him." She protested, pushing pass Macy and leaving the hallway they were in to go into the next one. The three girls went straight to Lo's locker where he saw standing with a few of the football players. Macy and Jessica stood a few feet away while Mila went right up to him.

"Hey." Lo smiled. He leaned down to kiss her, but she pushed his chest back to stop him.

"Do you have a son?" Mila asked bluntly, her arms shaking making her nearly drop her books.

Lo looked at her completely taken back. "Whoa. You alright?"

Mila shook her head as tears threatened to leave her eyes. "Just answer the question." She nearly begged.

"Yeah." He answered. "I thought you knew. Everyone knows about Isaac. It's not like I hide him."

Mila didn't even answer as she just walked away from him. She walked pass Jessica and Macy and to the nearest bathroom. Jessica chased after her while Macy walked off to give them space. When Jessica walked into the bathroom, she saw Mila crying into her hands feeling like a complete idiot. Jessica just slowly walked over to her best friend and comforted her.


After practice was over and all of the locker rooms were cleared, Ricky locked up the athletic building and hung out with his best friends on the field.

Ethan was doing cartwheels down the middle of the field while the rest of his friends were talking about Clover and Ricky talking on the benches. Behind them was Manny groaning in pain as she having severe back pain.

"They're both right there." Jacob pointed out. "Ask them now or forget about it."

Diego let out a deep breath while Ethan cartwheeled over to them. "Yeah. Blanco's got a point. Now or never."

Stephen didn't even speak a word as he walked over to the pair of exes. The boys quickly followed behind him and crowded around the black girl and the Egyptian boy.

"What is this?" Stephen asked, motioning between Clover and Ricky. "What're y'all doing here?"

Ricky frowned as he stared at the younger boy, moving his arm from behind Clover's back. "What're you talking about."

"Y'all dating again?" Jose wondered. "Cause if so, break it off."

Clover scoffed, getting up and walking to Manny when she yelped in pain. "Y'all stay on some dumb shit. No, we're not back together if y'all must know what happens between us."

Manny quickly grabbed onto Clover's hand and nearly screamed in pain. "Can y'all shut the fuck up?! Who the hell cares if they're back together?!"

"You okay? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Necesita ayuda?" Ethan asked concerned.
(What's going on? Do you need help?)

Manny glared at him before squeezing Clover's hand tighter. "It's not going away. The contractions aren't stopping." She yelled. "Help me!"

Hearing her last two words, the boys instantly jumped into action. Diego grabbed his car keys while  Jose and Ethan grabbed all of their stuff and started throwing them into the flatbed of the truck. Stephen called Mateo and told them they were taking Manny to the hospital, Jacob and Ricky grabbed all of Manny's things, and Clover helped Manny off the bench.

All seven of the football players froze when Manny let out a loud cry and almost drop to her knees from the amount of pain she was in.

"She's really going into labor." Ricky whispered.

Manny shook her head as she held onto her stomach. "No! Not here! Not with y'all!" She cried out.

Seeing she wasn't going to move, Stephen and Ricky grabbed either leg and arm of Manny and started carrying her to Diego's truck. They put her in the passenger seat and let Clover ride in the back seat with Jose,who had the directions to Manny's hospital that Mateo said he'd meet them at, while Diego drove and the rest of the boys rode in the flatbed.

"It's okay. We got you." Diego assured her, speeding down the road with one hand while using his right arm to hold Manny back since she was squirming around so much, she didn't put on a seatbelt.

By the time they got to the hospital, Manny couldn't even get out the truck from how much pain she was in. Clover hopped out the truck and opened the passenger door.

"Come on, Manny. You got this. Don't worry." She encouraged her. Clover gently helped Manny out the truck and walked her inside where Mateo and Kiara were waiting.

The boys waited back while Clover went on with Manny to the hospital room. Once the hysteria was over, the boys realized what just happened.

"We just delivered a baby." Ethan smiled. "Hell yeah."

All the boys playfully hit and threw jabs at Ethan as they went to sit down and wait it out to hear some news. What the boys didn't know was they would be sitting there for another three hours before Manny was officially in for a long and grueling labor.

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