Rear View

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A week later after winning their state game, the Dallas Jaguars met at the defensive coach Victor's house for an end of an undefeated season party. Everyone was either listening to the music that was playing in the backyard or hanging out in the living room.

All the players gathered up in the backyard when Mateo went to make a toast. The Mexican man stood on top of a chair to get higher ground over the crowd of people. The backyard was decorated nicely with hanging lights to be able to see since the sun went down an hour ago. They also had a space heater to keep them warm in the winter air.

Mateo held up the can of beer he was drinking and looked at the teenagers, his co-workers, some of their wives and kids, his own wife, and his own daughter and granddaughter.

"I'll make this short since I've been making speeches all season long." Mateo smirked, earning some jabs from the crowd. "Anyway, if I leave you young hooligans anything, it'll be that I want you to always do what you think is right. Follow you're heart and leave the critics behind. Being perfect doesn't exist in the way that you may think it does. Being perfect is knowing that you gave it your all and you made yourself proud. That's all that really matters in life. If you can look in the mirror, to yourself, and know that you really tried and gave it your all, then who is anyone else to tell you differently. I've seen players come and go, teams rise and fall, and people win it all just to lose it again. I'm here to say, you're the exception to the rules. Two time champs, two years running. To my graduating seniors, know this: one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember. These are the nights that never die. I wish you all the best. To the Jaguars."

Everyone raised their cups and glasses. "To the Jaguars!" They called out.

Mateo jumped down from the chair and landed on his feet. He heard the music start playing again just as he felt arms around his body. He smiled feeling Kiara kissing his cheek.

"I just wanted to tell you, I'm extremely proud of you." Kiara said to him. "You always pull it off. I've seen you do this so many times and I still can't believe my eyes."

Mateo chuckled, wrapping his arm around Kiara's waist and kissing her lips. "I couldn't do it without you by my side. I can't carry the weight of the world with only two hands."

Kiara listened to Victor, Sam, and Danny call him over in the middle of their debate they were having. She kissed his lips one last time and untangled herself from him. "Go ahead, coach. Go settle another score."

Mateo laughed, but walked off towards the three men. Kiara walked inside, fixing her bun on the top of her head. When she walked through the open sliding screen door, she instantly saw Ricky and Manny sitting on the couch together. Manny was rocking Esmerelda in her arms, laughing at whatever Ricky had just said to her.

Ricky had his arm on the back of the couch behind Manny's body and leaned towards her still talking, making the Mexican girl crack up laughing. Ricky kissed Manny's temple and then her lips.

Kiara left the two alone as she went to go find the star players of the team, noticing they had quickly left after the toast. She walked through Victor's nicely decorated craftsman house. When Kiara walked out the front door, she could instantly hear what the players were doing. The blasting, bass filled music seemed to make her heart beat along with it.

Kiara chuckled seeing Diego, Ethan, Jose, Jacob, Clover, Stephen, Andrew, Colby, and a few of the other players dancing around and on Diego's truck that was blaring music through his new speakers. They had even gotten a few of the neighborhood teenagers to party with them in the middle of the cul-de-sac.

"What the hell?"

Kiara turned around to see Victor standing behind her. She laughed looking back at the mini party they threw.

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