Pregnancy Announcement

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Monday afternoon at football practice, it was raining outside so Mateo had practice take place inside for the day. All the players were roaming the athletic building while the coaches figured out what they were going to do for the practice since the rain came unexpectedly.

Jose was doing a little dance with his arms as he walked into the conference room where he knew his friends were hanging out. When he trotted into the room, he sat down at the round table where his friends were relaxing. Stephen had his feet up on the table and his hands in his sweatshirt pockets, Clover was leaning against Diego next to her, Ethan was playing with Ricky's keys, Ricky was playing with his wallet, and the missing piece was Jose. He slipped into a chair and smiled as he faced his friends.

"Alright, I gotta talk to y'all." Ricky cleared his throat. "It's important."

"You're finally going to prison?" Ethan wondered, scratching his stubble that was growing on his jawline.

Ricky rolled his eyes and ignored his comment as he went into his wallet. "No. Last night Alyssa came to my house. It was kinda creepy at first, but we started talking." Ricky smiled widely as he pulled something out of his wallet and threw it into the center of the table. "She told me she's five months pregnant. With my baby." Ricky smiled. "I'm gonna be a dad."

Stephen picked up the picture and examined it before passing it to Jose who looked at it and passed it to Clover. When she didn't grab it, Diego took it, looked at it and handed it back to Ricky who slid it to Ethan to look at.

"It looks like an alien." Ethan commented before sliding it back. "Congrats. A boy or a girl?"

Ricky smirked as he looked at the picture. "It's a boy."

"A baby boy." Jose smirked. "You happy?"

"I'm on cloud nine." Ricky smiled. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I haven't realized it until last night but I can't wait to be a father. It's my—"

He fell silent when Clover got up and stormed out of the conference room. Diego pushed his chair back before chasing after her.

"Yo! Lucky charms!" Diego called out, following her through the halls and towards the locker rooms. "Lucky char—Clover!" Diego yelled.

Diego followed the smaller girl into the guest locker room where she instantly tried to walk off into the bathroom so he'd stop following her, but Diego caught her arm before she could.

"What's with you?" He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!" Clover barked. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm pissed! He just waltz in here acting like that?!"

Diego chuckled but stopped when he saw her glare at him. "Why're so mad? Because he's having a kid? Big whoop. You're better off without him, plus you've moved on."

"You wouldn't understand." Clover scoffed. "None of y'all would. I look back and think our relationship was great but in his eyes it wasn't. I thought we had good times with a few bad times but I guess he thought it wasn't worth it. He talks down about her, calling her just a warm mouth, but what about me? He calls her a bitch, a slut, a whore, but clearly chose her over me in the end, so how am I suppose to feel? He made it clear that the only reason he broke up with me that day was because he felt bad about cheating for so long. He degrades her and talks bad about her to me but forgets that the only reason me and him aren't together is because he wanted her more than me. I thought it was all happy and great. He was my first love, my first kiss. Ricky was the first person I truly loved and to him I was basically just arm candy. He only loved me when he broke up with me and knew that someone else could have me and be with me. That's the only reason. He strolls in here saying they're having a baby and being all happy. I'm trying to be a good person, like I always am. He broke my heart, I was still his friend. He'd blamed me for shit, I'd still go to his court case and support him. He cheats on me, I still help him get help and make it through life. There's only so much I can handle. He shattered my heart into pieces and lies to me for months on end, then smiles in my face, tells me he wants me back and that he loves me while still banging her every night. Now I'm suppose to be happy for him?! I'm suppose to want to throw a baby shower for them?! I'm suppose to be all giggles and laughter when they both lied to me, to all of us, for so long and now I'm suppose to be happy for them?! Hell no! I'm done sitting here and being happy for him. I play down my own happiness and my relationship because it hurts him but when the tables are turned, he couldn't give two shits about my feelings!"

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