The Game Of Equality: Quarterback vs. Quarterback

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That Saturday morning, the battle lines were drawn and it was the game that everyone was waiting for. Could the Dallas Jaguars complete an undefeated season and be two time champions, or will the San Antonio Vipers come out on top with the upset and the win of a lifetime?

It was the most intense morning for the two football teams, filled with playbook memorizing and last minute workouts. Knowing that all of the players were on edge, Manny stayed far away from them. She was sat on her bed smiling as she remembered the exact same scene in front of her just a year prior. Clover walking into the bathroom, out of the bathroom, sitting on her bed, get off her bed, walk around the room, stand in one spot, and all while mumbling words under her breath.

"Like I told you last time." Manny smiled. "Stressing out and reading the play books over and over again isn't gonna make you remember them any better." Manny pointed out. "Calm down."

Clover stopped in the middle of the room and shook her head with a smile. She sighed and laid down on the ground, staring up at the ceiling with her hands on her chest like she did last time she was stressing over a state game.

"Everything is riding on this." Clover whispered. "If I mess up...." She trailer off. "Losing is not an option here. I can't lose."

Manny crawled to the end of her bed and laid down on her back so they were still staring at the ceiling, together. "I remember last year, we laid here and I gave you advice. Then I told you I was pregnant." She smiled.

Clover laughed as she glanced over at Manny. She could see the side of her face looking at the ceiling, but in her arms was a sleeping little girl. "Somehow we come so far, but end up in the same place."

Manny chuckled. "Just like last year, I got some news to tell you."

Clover smirked, looking at the ceiling again. "You having another kid?"

"Oh, god no." Manny scoffed. "One is enough for now. But, Ricky asked me out on a date for when the dust settles after tonight's game. What do you say?"

The room fell silent for a moment. Clover blinked her eyes thinking about the Egyptian boy. All the feelings, all the promises, all the memories. The entire relationship being a roller coaster and the love she'd always have for him.

"I hope y'all have a better relationship than me and him did." Clover admitted, smiling widely. "I don't care what y'all do together. But I appreciate you telling me."

Manny reached her hand down in which Clover grabbed. "You're my best friend. I'd always ask for your opinion first."


That night, the Texas state game was going to start in just ten minutes. Mateo was sitting in a office next to the locker room where his team was. He looked at the four men in front of him waiting for when they would go into the locker room for the pre-game pep talk. Mateo glanced next to him and saw his long time love and their daughter. He chuckled softly seeing Andrew sitting in a desk chair, spinning around in it. He always kept his promises to come see his friends.

Mateo looked up at the three coaches and trainer in front of him and nodded his head, standing from the chair he was sitting in. "It's go time."

The six men got up and made their way down the hallway, going straight to the locker room. They walked in to see the fifty-three teenage football players sitting around. An ocean of blue and gold jerseys, but the room silent.

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