Mr. Jealous

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Thursday afternoon, Mateo had to call an indoor practice since at the last second, the weather changed and it begun to pour down raining. Sam and Victor were setting up the football tapes in the conference room while Mateo and Danny were telling the players to get their equipment inside so it didn't get wet.

Ethan had finished carrying in the last piece of equipment inside with Jacob, Colby, and Ricky when he saw Jose sliding pass them through the wet floors of the hallways like he was surfing.

"Wooo!" Jose screamed, keeping his balance as he slid through.

Ethan smirked before running off and not getting far to try and do a nice slide when he fell back. Ricky snickered as he helped Ethan up. Once Ethan was on his feet, they both came tumbling to the ground from their shoes not being able to grip the floor.

Jacob and Colby walked around them and held onto the walls as they made their way to the conference room. Ethan just crawled while Ricky got up. He looked forward to see Mateo walking pass, like it was nothing, and some of the players slipping and sliding behind him.

Ricky got up and held onto the wall when he heard laughs behind him. He kept walking, but couldn't help but glance back where he saw Danny walking towards him with Clover clinging onto the back of his long sleeve shirt.

Ricky felt anger boil in his body, but it stopped when he saw Clover's foot slide from under her. Danny instantly reached back and grabbed her by the middle of her back before she fell into the thin layer of water on the floor.

Ricky's anger skyrocketed when Clover hopped on Danny's back and he carried her pass him. Ricky balled up his fist and wanted to rip Clover off of him and pound on Danny's face until his beard was covered in a thick layer of his blood, but instead he just kept walking while he listened to Clover's joyful voice talk to another man. It didn't help that Clover was in the tightest camouflage pants she owned, a black belly shirt with no bra on underneath and her hair braided back showing off her natural beauty.

Ricky walked into the conference room to hear the loud talking of all the players. He looked to his right and saw Manny sitting in her usual spot with a blanket wrapped around her while taking a video of Clover riding on Danny's back laughing.

"Don't encourage it." Ricky snarled, sitting next to her.

Danny let go of Clover's legs and let her jump down and run off to the boys while Danny sat with Sam and Victor at the window to do some work.

Manny gave Ricky a look before paying attention to her phone and ignoring his growls and snarls he did every time he looked at Danny.


The following morning, homecoming game day morning, Manny walked out of her dad's office to get some paper out of the trainer's room for her school work when she saw Ricky mopping up the water that didn't dry over night and cleaning the floors.

"Hey, jealous." Manny smiled, walking around Ricky and over the water while holding onto her 31 week baby bump.

Ricky glared back at her. "What's with the new nickname, preggo?"

Manny giggled as she got pass the mess and stood on the other side. She rubbed her belly as she felt her baby kicking. "Even little Esmerelda knows your a little jealous boy. I'm not stupid, I see how pissed you get when Clover gets close to Danny. Spoiler alert, Clover isn't dumb either. She loves the angry little look you get in your eyes when she flirts with other guys. Dante's to secure to do it, so she gets that joy from you. So....have fun being a jealous brat."

Ricky watched Manny walk off and disappear into the trainer's room. He continued to mop and clean up for the next couple minutes until he heard Manny coming back.

"How's Jacob?" Ricky wondered, not looking at her but hearing her footsteps stop. "I hear y'all made up with each other. You know, locker room talk."

Manny scoffed. "We're not getting back together. Not now and not any time soon. And you know that."

"I don't know anything." Ricky smirked, turning around and looking at her. Manny walked up to Ricky and glared up at him.

"You're a lot smarter than people give you credit for. Don't try and get under my skin, Richard." Manny threatened.

Ricky towered over her and looked down at her with a playful smirk on his lips. "I would never think of it, Maria." He spoke. "You hungry? I'm going out for breakfast, wanna come along?"

Manny glared at him before smacking her lips and turning around to walk away. "I'm always hungry. I'm like a beached whale now. You're paying though."

Ricky rolled his eyes as he dropped his mop and followed her into Mateo's office so she could get her stuff. Mateo wasn't inside, having gone to the school for something that none of them were listening to when he had told all of them.

"My honest opinion," Ricky begun, sitting down on Mateo's couch, "You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen in my life. If you weren't the coach's daughter, I would've hit on you everyday. You know, when I wasn't in a relationship."

Manny giggled and blushed as she saw Ricky sprawled out on the couch, playing with the ends of her hair. Manny put the blank papers on the desk before picking up her purse and walking towards Ricky. When she was in reaching distance, he reached up and touched her baby bump. Ricky smiled widely when he felt Esmerelda kick his hand.

"What're you? Nine months?" He wondered.

"Eight." She corrected. "If you want, since she's always kicking when you feel, you can be her godfather. I think she'll really love you."

Ricky smirked as he sat up and used both hands to feel the kicking baby. "Only if you promise that I get to see her often. Maybe our kids can be friends. Maybe they can even date?"

Manny turned away from Ricky and left out the office. "My daughter's not dating a Barnes." She scoffed.

Ricky laughed while jumping up and following after her so they could go get some breakfast together.

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