Serve And Protect

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Wednesday morning, Ricky was sitting in his office doing some paper work for the other coaches and Danny when he heard his phone vibrating from its spot beside his keyboard. He looked at it and saw it was him and the boys' group chat they made without Clover in it for situations they didn't want her to know about or when they wanted to surprise her.

From: Sunshine Jose
Any of y'all see Clover??

From: Latin Slut
Went to pick her up this morning. Kiara said she never came home from the hospital last night

From: Dumb Asian
Hospital?!?! What the hell happened?!?!

From: Rocky
Dante. He was in a accident while deployed

From: Dumb Asian
Wtf happened

From: Sunshine Jose
He was in a car and they ran over a landmine

From: Sunshine Jose
Barely lived

From: Dumb Asian
Holy shit! Are you serious?!

Yeah. Sad dude. He's only 19 man

From: Lunatic Ethan
Ikr. Damn near could've died

From: Dumb Asian
I'll come up this Friday to see her. How she holding up?

From: Jewish Boi
I texted her this morning when I woke up and she's just now replying

From: Blanco
What'd you say??

From: Jewish Boi
I told her good morning and asked if Dante was doing any better. She just said good morning back and that he's squeezing his mom's hand when she talks to him, meaning he can hear.

From: Latin Slut
Hopefully he pulls through. I really liked the kid...

From: Sunshine Jose
That could've been us...

From: Rocky
Who you telling?? I'm the same age as him. Still a teenager and fighting for his life.

From: Dumb Asian
He went in after high school??

From: Blanco
Only his second deployment.

From: Dumb Asian
Damn. What happened to the other guys in the car??? They live??

From: Latin slut
No one knows. Only Dante knows. Seeing how he is, I hate to say it but I doubt it.

Ricky set his phone down and let out a deep sigh reading Diego's last message. He ran his hands over his face as he felt like life really hit him. It's fast and it could be taken away quickly.


Ricky's head shot up to see Victor standing there with his arms crossed. "You okay?" The older man wondered.

Ricky sighed heavily. "No, man. This whole Dante accident thing is messing with my head."

Victor leaned against the wall and gave Ricky a honest look, a look for a raw emotion. All Ricky saw was sadness and unsureness.

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