Night Secrets

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Saturday night with a week to go until their state game, some of the Jaguars took a break from their constant training, practices, and workouts to go to the Texas A&M football game to see their friend playing.

Stephen, Diego, Clover, and Jacob were sitting in the crowd with Madison, Andrew's fiancée, watching Andrew play.

Jacob nudged Stephen who was watching the game closely like the rest of them were. "How's your head?" He ask, louder than his usual talking voice to talk over the loud noises of a football game.

Stephen rolled his eyes and leaned towards the white boy so he could hear him. "I'm fine. I told y'all before, it was just a hard hit. No biggie."

Jacob gave him a skeptical look, but shrugged it off and turned his attention to the football game on the field in front of them. A few seats over, Diego was talking to Madison while his arm was around Clover's waist to keep her close, since he didn't want anything happening to her.

"So you still love her, but you're to much a wimp to admit it?" Madison inquired, just finished listening to Diego describe him and Mila's situation when she asked.

Diego tried to glare at her, but it fell short and he eventually just nodded. "Basically. Not everyone can have a happy-go-lucky relationship. I'm not good at the finding-my-soulmate-and-staying-forever thing. I eventually pull away naturally and ruin it before I can cherish it. I already cheated once, so I doubt she's taking me back again."

Madison nodded understanding, glancing at the field to make sure she wasn't missing Andrew playing. "That's a good point, but try to explain it. She might not take you back right away, but the sooner you apologize the sooner you can get back in her good graces. Try being friends first than work into being in a relationship." She advised, fiddling with her engagement ring.

Diego nodded but glanced at Clover when she cheered on Andrew when he ran onto the field. He wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her closer, but she barely acknowledged him.

"I'll try." He told Madison. "I'll try."


Meanwhile back in Dallas, Jose drove his sister's car from hanging out with Colby all day to Christin's house where Ethan was. Ethan had asked Jose to drive him back to the facility since he didn't want to miss his curfew.

Jose pulled into the driveway and texted Ethan that he was there. He waited a few minutes before deciding to just knock on the door and get Ethan that way, but by the time he got near the front door; it swung open.

Jose was stunned for a moment before bursted out laughing seeing Ethan walk out with his entire face covered in makeup. Christin giggled before giving Ethan a kiss goodbye.

When Jose stood up straight, he put his hand over his chest. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're beautiful!" He laughed.

Ethan glared at his best friend. "Her younger sisters did my makeup. I didn't have a choice."

Christin watched the boys go off to Jose's car. "Bye. Nice seeing you Jose."

Jose waved to her while climbing into the driver seat. He turned the car on and pulled out the driveway as Ethan sat there grumbling words under his breath.

"Don't be upset, pageant queen. You look stunning." Jose teased.

"Best looking girl you've ever been in a car with pass 9 o'clock." Ethan scoffed, looking out the window at the ground as they drove towards the facility. "Pull over, there's a puddle. I'm wiping this shit off."

Jose shook his head, thinking Ethan was unbelievable, but he followed his directions and pulled over. Ethan instantly hopped out the car and used the puddle to wipe off the makeup until he just looked like he got dirty and could fully wash his face at the facility. Jose looked at Ethan in disgust when Ethan got in and they continued to drive.

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