Secret Revealed Again?

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Cassi's POV:

At night I helped Henry carry some towels in to the Game Shakers. There were towels piled upon towels piled upon towels piled upon towels. Being the first to walk in I noticed Babe sniffing Henry's pillows and by the time she saw me she had put them down. She had also been chewing something. At that time I didn't think anything of it.

I also helped him because last time I was in his room I left my bubblegum there and I had to find it. I look on Henry's bed to see Henry's tube opened and Hudson chewing it. I look on the floor and see my tube opened and Babe chewing it.

They were both about to blow a bubble when Henry and I leaped to stop it, but we were too late. The kids had transformed and Henry and I had hit the ground hard.

Kenzie and Triple G looked at them astonished and Henry and I looked at each other worried. "What do we have gum on our faces?" Hudson asked. They both tried to get any gum off there face. Hudson looked down at his gloves and got super excited. "Woah, I'm Kid Danger!"

Babe looked down at her gloves too and saw my outfit. "And I'm Girl Danger!"

"So that means Henry and Cassi are Girl and Kid Danger!" Kenzie just about squealed.

Henry panicked and zapped the kids. He also zapped Piper when she came and knew she didn't deserve it. He left a note on her forehead saying that they went on a pajama hike. Stupidest thing he ever thought of.

I was about to have a panic or anxiety attack as well a breakdown, but I was taking deep breaths and trying to keep calm.

We pushed a cart out of the elevator and Ray turned around to face us, "Hey Henry, Cassi, who's in the-wait are those the game shaker kids?"

"Okay, now don't get mad," Henry said walking up to Ray talking calmly.

"Henry, Cassi, they're waking up!" Charlotte yelled.

"Oh, um, Charlotte open the elevator door," Henry said panicking.

"Aww geez," Charlotte said pressing the button.

"Come on! Go! Go!" He yelled pushing the cart into the elevator then shutting off the power to the elevator.

"Uh, what's going on?" Ray asked. Henry ran a hand through this hair.

"Hey, why don't we go and have some hot coco?" Charlotte asked.

"Could we?" Henry asked turning to Ray.

"Henry! Cassi!" Ray screamed.

"Help!" All four of the game shakers screamed. "Open up! Let us out!"

"That Hudson kid, he found my gum and he blew a bubble. Same with Babe with Cassi's!" Henry said still panicking.

"Oh no," Ray said.

"And then they turned into like us," Henry continued.

"And everybody saw?" Ray asked.

"Yes!" Henry yelled. "They all saw man. And then that Kenzie figured out that I'm Kid Danger and that Cassi's Girl Danger. And then I freaked out! I freaked out man! I freaked out! And then I just," he stopped for a minute looking like he was gonna cry. Boys can be so over dramatic.

"You just what?"

"I just started zapping. And I, I just couldn't stop! I zapped everyone. And then I zapped my sister," he started crying, "I zapped my sister man!" Henry hugged Ray and started sobbing. I looked at Charlotte and we gave each other those looks of annoyance.

We changed into our outfits and Ray grabbed his memory wiper. "Alright kids, time to clean up your mess," he said as Henry and I opened the elevator.

The Game Shakers came stumbling out of the elevator. "Ouch, that's bright!" Kenzie and Babe yelled.

"Are we in heaven?" Hudson asked.

"Hey kids," Ray said.

"Hello everyone," Henry added and I waved.

"Who's-?" Babe asked pointing to Charlotte, but she cut her off.

"Oh, my names Denires Tygareen and pretend I'm not here," she said backing up. She turned around and ran off.

"What happened to us?" Asked Kenzie.

"What is this place?" Triple G asked.

"Hi everyone," Ray started, "Welcome to the Man Cave. Now if you kids would just look this way I'm gonna use this thing to, uh, take a pic of you guys."

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea. Come on everyone, let's get in close," Hudson said scrunching everyone together and smiling.

"Alright, here we go. One, two," Ray started, but Henry pushed the memory wiper down before Ray could wipe their memories.

"Stop. If you're gonna wipe their memories you should at least have the guts to tell them," Henry remarked. He was right. His point was valid.

"Wipe our memories?" Kenzie screamed.

"No it's okay, it's just a camera, so look here," Ray said still smiling. "Everyone say Amnesia!"

"Wait if you wipe our brains we won't be able to make the cool game about you guys," Kenzie said.

"Y-y-yeah," Babe stuttered.

"All of those amazing ideas," Kenzie added.

"I know, too bad," Triple G said.

"What ideas?" Ray asked.

"You know the ones of you three fighting moon robots," said Babe.

"Yeah big scary moon robots," Kenzie added.

"And other villains from history," Babe said.

"And from the future," Triple G said nodding.

"Ah, so like a time traveling angle," Ray said.

"Yeah, yeah, and we'll call it Crime Warp!" Kenzie said.

"Crime warp," Ray repeated.

"This game sounds sick, dude," Henry whispered to Ray.

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up," I heard Ray repeating really fast.

"But we can't make games with out our memories," Triple G said.

"Simple biology," added Kenzie.

"Hey, who's feet are these?" Hudson asked and I looked back to see him tickling feet.

A dinging started and Kenzie asked, "What's that?"

"Breaking news," Ray said. He turned to Charlotte. "Go check that out."

On it, Triple's father had been attacked, but he wasn't hurt. His two friends had been hurt. The Game Shakers hoped they were okay and they were. "You guys have to come to New York to protect my dad," Triple G said.

So off to New York we went.

A/N: Okay so here is Girl Danger's outfit. Also the camisole goes under the blue shirt. Instead of having a silver vest I made her have a silver jacket and it has the Captain Man symbol on it as well, though not in the picture.

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