john shelby: little cousin.

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"You are one blessed bastard, Grace. If I was Tommy then I wouldn't have forgiven you for pulling the stunt that you did," you joked as you turned to look at your cousin with a grin.

"I don't know what you mean." Grace shrugged, her eyes looking across at you, and sipped on her champagne that was whirling around in the luxurious crystal glass. "No, I am. I love Tommy very much, no more mistakes or disasters for us. Anyway, enough about my love life. What about yours?"

"Grace, it's your wedding day. Let's not talk about me and my non-existent love life."

Grace rolled her eyes before lightly prodding her elbow into your ribs. You gasped and turned your attention to her before following her eyes that were engrossed on John Shelby. He was sat with his older brothers who were deep in conversation but for some strange reason, John couldn't get keep himself involved in the conversation. His eyes kept glancing over to at you, swiftly taking in your bridesmaid dress - that was rather attractive - before turning away because you had spotted him staring.

"He has a thing for you," Grace announced, causing you to scoff loudly at the ludicrous comment. If there was one thing that you had learnt about the Shelby brothers, it's that they were confident. If John felt the slightest thing towards you then he wouldn't have been hiding away in the corner of the dance hall. Still, your heart rate sprinted at the thought of John Shelby and had done since you had first arrived in Birmingham.

"No, he doesn't. I'm sure John can get any lassie that he wants because of his last name and I don't think he would want somebody like me."

"Why wouldn't he want you?" Grace questioned.

"I'm simple. The Shelby boys don't do simple, do they?"

"Gosh, stop being so stupid and go over there and talk to him." Grace tried to push you forwards but you kept your foot down and turned to your older cousin with an annoyed expression. "Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Grace, I am not being stubborn, I'm being realistic. I don't want - "

"Stop trying to fool me, darling. I've known you since you were a baby and I can see right through your lies," Grace interrupted as she placed her hands on your shoulders. "Right, smile, flirt, show off your assets and go and get him."

"Grace, what if I don't want John?" You did want John, almost every girl wanted John. His handsome looks, charming behaviour and goofy smile dragged everyone in, but you weren't ready to have your heartbroken.

"I'm not stupid. You were making eyes with each other from across the church for most of the wedding, which kept distracting me. Dinner was basically a competition of who could stare at each other for the longest and don't think I haven't caught you making eyes with every woman that he has spoken too."

"Why?" you asked, exhaling softly before pushing her hands off your shoulders. "Why do you have to be right about everything?"

"I just am. Now go before someone else gets to him first."

"Who's looking at him?" you asked, quickly and rather harshly.

"Girl near the door. She's wearing a blue dress, looks cheap. I have no idea who she is and to be honest, she doesn't look like the kind of girl that Tommy would invite. She's probably looking for a quick fuck, so I would go and get your man while you can."

"Yeah? Well, she can fuck off." You quickly leaned up to give Grace a peck on the cheek before making your way over to John. Not wanting to walk straight up to the three brothers, you loitered near the walls and waited for John to notice you. With your back pushed against one of the walls and a glass of some deluxe liquor that Tommy had imported in specifically for the wedding ceremony, you waited. It was a few minutes later that John finally raised his eyes from the drink in his hand and quickly skimmed the room for your presence. Arthur, who had also observed the eye-contact that both John and yourself had been sharing, nudged John with his elbow and nodded towards you. A smirk made its way onto John's lips before he downed his drink in one and strolled towards you. Arthur quickly winked in your direction before turning to face Tommy and continue the, what looked important, discussion.

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