tommy shelby: someone you loved.

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Tommy had never been a man who devoted himself to a woman, always dependent on himself and nobody else. He felt better that way, nobody to get in the way of his merciless business plans that he was always coming up with, nobody who could distract him from building his very own empire. Things changed however when you walked into The Garrison one Friday night, a smile on your face as you harmlessly flirted with the men who had just arrived home from France and were yearning for some closeness with any woman they could get their hands on.

You had been in Birmingham for a couple of years, a young girl from a town in London who needed an escape from the South but you had arrived when the War was at its worse, all of the men that were healthy enough to leave away from the city you now called your home. It was different with all the men back home - pubs were busier, the streets were louder and you received more stares and compliments than ever before.

Tommy Shelby was instantly drawn to your full smile and the twinkle in your eyes as you brought light to the dark and gloomy pub, your laughter ringing through to the back room where Tommy watched you with the hint of a smile on his face, curiously asking his Aunt questions about the newcomer. Polly watched Tommy with raised eyebrows, impressed with you already for bringing a smile to her nephew who had hardly managed to speak affectionate words since he had returned home a few weeks ago.

Tommy knew that you would be dangerous for him from the moment he started speaking to you. It had taken him a good hour to build up the courage and introduce himself, offering to buy you a drink before sitting down and chatting to you about anything that came up. Tommy found himself opening up to you surprisingly, conversation flowing easily between the two of you due the alcohol shared as you discussed family and even the War. Tommy was relieved when you didn't pry and ask him about what he did in France, instead asking for his opinions on the political side of it. In your eyes, you had no right to question Tommy about the trenches, fully understanding that things were still raw for the men who had suffered significantly and you were sure that Tommy would open up in his own times when he felt thoroughly comfortable with revealing his darkest demons that he kept to himself.


"I'd like to buy you a drink," Tommy started after deciding that he had wasted time by being an idiot and if he didn't step up his game and bring back his charming ways that he had before the War then he would lose you before he even got a chance to know you.

"Are you not even going to ask me my name?" you replied, your head twisting to the side to quickly glance at the man who had offered to buy you a drink, your body instantly impressed with the handsome darling who had the most intoxicating eyes that you knew would get you into trouble one day. "But yes, a drink would be fantastic. Gin and tonic for me, thank you."

Tommy smirked before calling out Harry's name, the barman dropping everything to serve Tommy. "So, what is your name?" Tommy asked as he slid the drink over to you, watching closely as you brought it up to your lips without breaking eye contact. "I'm Thomas Shelby, most people call me Tommy," he finished when he realised that you were waiting on him.

You opened your mouth before closing it, realisation hitting you hard. "So, you are the part of the acclaimed Shelby's that everyone talks about around here. I got warned about you from a friend of mine, they told me to stay away because apparently you are bad news."

"Yeah?" Tommy chuckled and moved in his chair so he was more comfortable, the hint of a genuine, authentic smile painted on his heavenly features as he looked down at you with an impressed expression. "Well you don't look that innocent yourself, doll."

"I never said I was innocent."


He found himself falling for you immediately as he went home with you on his mind, the intelligent and quick-witted words you spoke running through his mind as he tucked himself into bed and prepared himself for the ongoing nightmares that would keep him awake until the early hours of the morning. To his surprise, he slept soundly that night without any disruptions - no banging, no screams, no tears as he looked around the room to find himself safely in his childhood home. He was woken up to the smell of breakfast cooking and the familiar sound of his brothers laughing at each other's failed jokes and causing havoc downstairs as Polly attempted to plate up. He was even more surprised when you became his first thought of the day.

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