21- Can't Deny It

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I sit at the island and eat my breakfast while going through my phone. I scroll through Instagram and come up on the picture of Jayden and I in Ohio. Taken moments before... well before we fell apart I guess. I haven't seen her much since we got back, she was either working or writing, pretty much avoiding me.

And it sucks because I feel like we needed to talk. She seemed to be good with Anthony now, but I have no clue where we stand.

I lock my phone and jump off the stool I was occupying. I head to my room but stop when I see rose pedals outside my door. I look around and didn't see anything. I didn't hear anything either, but I guess I was deep enough in thought that I wouldn't realize anyway.

I slowly open up my door and see the lights off and the blinds closed. The only light coming from candles setting around my room.

Jayden sat on my bed with her guitar in her lap. She was still in her PJs with her hair on top of her head.

"Hey" I say and she smiles.

"Hey" she replies.

"What is this" I ask looking around.

"I can sing it better than I can say it" she claims. She pats a spot on my bed next to her and I sit down. She starts playing and I listen closely.

"I don't want to hurt
Don't know if I can do this much longer
I'm trying to keep it in
But the feelings are getting stronger

I really want to tell you
Just don't know what to say
Every time I try to talk to you
All my words go away

So let me try this out
Not sure how it will go
I'm gonna put this out there
I just want you to know

I love you more than I thought I ever could
Just being around you makes me feel good
Don't know how to tell you but I know that I should
Your lips tase just like I always dreamed they would

At first I was scared for my feelings were so strong
I knew that I couldn't fight them off all too long
I don't want the move I make be a move that is wrong
So I thought I could put my feelings into this song.

Im sorry I didn't tell you when we kissed
But when you lips met mine it felt like my heart met a fist
Thought I could fight it, maybe resist
But I can't deny it... I love you Kris."

She looks up into my eyes and I can see hers were watery. Her voice was a little shaky but still sounded wonderful.

I wipe away a tear that had fallen and she leans into my touch. I move the guitar away and pull her into my lap. She rests her hand on my jaw and I look into her eyes.

"I love you too" I finally say and she smiles up at me. She quickly presses her lips to mine and knocks me over. She straddles my waist as her fingers spread out on my chest. My hands find her waist and pull her body closer to mine.

We continue to kiss until there's a loud sound from outside the door. We both stop to see where it was from and there was a disgruntling sound coming from the living room.

"Do you think Anthony is up" she asks. A second later a louder sound comes and a lot of cussing. We both kind of laugh and she crawls off of me.

"I knew that was too good to be true" I tease. We blow out the candles I follow her out of my room and into the kitchen. There we see Anthony picking up pots and pans off the floor.

"You're like a bull in a china shop" Jayden teases.

"You make cooking look so easy. I didn't even know I had this many pans let alone which one to make eggs in" he claims.

Anthony stops fiddling with the pans and turns to us.

"I didn't disturb you guys... did I" he asks slowly.

"Not exactly" I admit.

"Good. So are you two like a item" he asks and I turn to Jayden.

"I'm not sure, we haven't gotten that far yet" she admits.

"Well I'm going to go out and grab some doughnuts because my original plan to make everyone breakfast went out the window" he insists. We help him pick up the pans and he flies out the door.

Jayden jumps up and sits on the counter. I place a hand on either side of her and stare into those golden eyes.

"So" she starts.

"So" I repeat.

"Are we..." she trails off.

"Do you want to" I ask and she laughs.

"It's creepy that you know what I'm talking about" she admits.

"We're just that good together" I assure her.

"So we're together... like boyfriend and girlfriend" she asks.

"Is that what you want" I wonder.

"I want it all with you" she claims and I smile.

"Then I want to do this properly" I admit. "Will you accompany me on a date this Thursday" I ask and she smiles.

"I would love to" she nods.

"Alright, then it's a date" I smile.

"It's a date" she repeats. She leans forward and presses her lips to mine reminding me just how lucky I am. We softly break away and she smiles up at me.

"I will never get over how great that feels" she claims.

"I honestly thought that kiss sent you away" I admit.

"It's not that I didn't like the kiss... it's that the kiss revealed three months of pent up feelings and all of them having to do with love. Something I haven't felt in a long time" she admits.

"Have you been heartbroken before" I ask.

"Only once. He was the first guy I ever loved. I was a senior in high school and that was the first year I had to do anything without Anthony. As if that wasn't bad enough I ended up in a toxic relationship with one of Anthony's friends. Anthony left under the pretenses that his friend took care of me in his absence. Anthony slowly started to figure out that he was a bad guy capable of doing bad things and came back just to end that relationship because lord knows I wasn't strong enough to" she explains.

"Did he hurt you" I ask ready to go find this dick head.

"Beyond belief. She cheated and lied and wasn't exactly the nicest person. We all have our flaws but I was so scared of being alone that I believed being hurt by him is better than hurting myself. I didn't know how strong I was until Anthony came back. He beat the crap out of that kid and I hated Anthony for what he did. But then I saw why he did it and I couldn't thank him enough. That's why he alwaysu gets over protective. He knows that I will protect whatever image I need to crest for things to seem okay just so he's happy. It's always been that way. But what can I say? He's my best friend, I have learned so much along side of him and I am who I am today because of him" I shrug.

"Well it's good to know that if I ever hurt you he will not hesitate on besting my ass just because we're friends" I say and she laughs. "But you don't have to worry about me hurting you. I don't want you worrying about cheating or lying either. I've waited three months to have you and I would be stupid to take for granted everything you are. A girl like you deserves to be cherished, and you will never be seen as less than that in my eyes" I assure her.

"I know, I trust you" she smiles. I kiss her forehead and pull her into my chest.

Here goes Nothing.

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