55- New Diagnosis

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I sit in the doctors office with Kris beside me. My hand was in his as he rubs the back of it softly. I focus on breathing correctly and stare out in front of me. My face stays flat as I can nearly hear my heart beating in my chest. Pounding hard as ever as it echos in my head.

"Hey" Kris says taking me out kfnehatever dark place I was in. "They called your name" he claims and I shake my head. I see the doctor down the hallway and I sigh. Here we go.

We get up and get taken to a hospital room. I sit on the table as the doctor takes my temperature and checks my sinus'. When that checks out he checks my blood pressure which was a little high. It's not unusual for someone who had a blood infection such as I did but the medication I take is supposed to have that under control which is what was so peculiar. He asks me a bunch of questions and I answer to the best of my abilities.

He eventually lays me down and lifts my shirt up. You can still see the surgical scar there from earlier. I kinda liked it, it was a reminder that life is hard and only gets easier because you get stronger.

He starts to press around my stomach area asking if it hurt every so often. I try my best not to move around but he wasn't making it easy.

"Okay. I'm not seeing anything life threatening so that's good. But I do want to draw some blood to make sure it's clean and take out a few other possibilities" he says and I nod.

I go and get blood drawn and they take me back to the room I was in. I sit in the chair next to Kris and rest my head on his shoulder as I hold onto his arm. He rests his hand on my thigh and lightly rubs my leg trying his best to calm me down.

"We're going to be okay" he claims and I laugh a little.

"Are you telling me that or yourself that" I ask.

"Mostly myself" he admits. "But I'm serious. No matter what happens we're going to get through this. Together" he claims. I look up at him as he stares down at me. His eyes meet mine and he smiles a little making me feel better.

He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. We break apart and he rests his head on mine.

"I got you" he whispers and I smile big. Suddenly I felt like we were going to be alright.

Eventually the doctor comes back in. He sits across from us and turns to us. He had no sheets of paper or medical tools so I was hoping this was a good sign.

"So your blood work came back and we didn't see any sign of the infection, but we did find something else" he says and my heart starts beating fast again. I swallow hard when I try to wrap my head around something being wrong once again. "We found out that you were pregnant" he say and I nearly jump in my seat.

"What" I ask.

"You are pregnant. That's why you've been feeling weird and why your blood pressure was high" he tells me.

"I'm sorry... did you seriously just say that my girlfriend is pregnant" Kris says trying to hide his smile but failing miserably.

"Yes. I would say you're inching in on one month, maybe a little over" he says and I make no effort to hide my smile.

"So I'm not sick" I ask.

"Nope. All the stuff you're experiencing is common in pregnancy and can be counteracted easily now that you know why it's happening. We're going to give you more baby friendly medication for the sepsis then I suggest talking to your OBGYN for further instruction" he says.

"Me being sick... is that going to hurt the baby" I ask.

"It comes with risks, yes. But there are things you and us can do to make sure the baby doesn't contract anything. But your blood should not come in contact with her unless there's a c-section or complication with the birth but as far as being pregnant, the baby is safe" he explains and I nod.

"Alright. Thank you so much doctor" I say shaking his head.

"Glad to know you're okay. And congratulations you two" he smiles.

Kris and I silently get up and exit the room. I schedule a appointment to figure out more about our baby and what I need to to make sure we both stay healthy.

I pick up my new medication and we go to the car. We get inside and we both just sit there not really sure what to say. It remains silent for a few minutes as we stare out the window.

I turn to Kris to see him smiling bigger than I have ever seen him smile before. If he had dentures they would have for sure popped out.

"Kris" I say softly.

"I'm going to be a Dad" he whispers.

"Are you okay" I ask and he turns to me. He grabs my face with both of his hands and I laugh.

"Okay? Okay doesn't begin to explain how I'm feeling. I'm amazing. I am going to be a father" he nearly yells and I try to nod my head.

"Yeah, you are" I smile.

"We're having a kid. Oh man" he sighs. "You know, when I was sitting in there I was about ready to throw this year away. I was done. But now, I want these days to last forever" he claims.

"I'm happy you're happy" I admit.

"What about you, how are you feeling" he asks.

"Pregnant" I joke and he laughs.

"I'm serious. I know you weren't feeling well and I don't want to act like you carrying a child will solve all our problems" he insists.

"I feel amazing. I always complain that I have to play with other people's kids and now there's going to be a human that's like me and you and we get to raise them to love this world we fell in love with and it's going to be amazing" I smile.

"Oh this is honestly the best day of my life. I'm so happy" he says.

"Glad I could be of service to you" I tease and he chuckles.

"Come here" he demands as he pulls me into a kiss. I happily kiss him back and I could feel how excited he was. "You have always made me the happiest man alive. I need you to know that" he insists.

"I love you too" I smirk.

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