|01| throwbacks

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"Odette! Hey!" A hand was moving intensively in front of my face.

I shake my head bringing my mind back on earth and my eyes on my friend's body. Niki was standing there smiling. "What were you thinking about?" She sat down next to me on the grass. I didn't want to answer, I never really talk about where my mind is traveling. That's just something personal.

I laid back on the grass having Niki copying my motions a few seconds later. I felt her eyes examining my facial expressions but I didn't respond to the stare, I kept on looking at the sky.

"You know.. you still haven't talked to me about whatever happened in your old school." Niki said. I took a deep breath since I couldn't get away from the flashbacks. There was nothing I wanted to remember from my old school. Absolutely nothing. "Not today." I responded nonchalantly.

"Oh come on why not?" She insisted. "Cause I don't wanna talk about something that's in the past now. A fresh start is waiting for me. But for now lets Just enjoy this beautiful summer night." I said looking at her. She looked back at the stars without saying anything.

"Niki!" I called her name loudly. "What?" She looked at me. "Don't be mad." I did my usual puppy face, nobody can ever resist to that. "I'm not, I just wanna help you but you won't let me. Maybe we are close but I feel like you always keep a distance no matter what." That got me thinking. I consider Niki as the closest person to me at the moment but I never really open up.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes. "So, the story begins all the way back to the first grade of secondary school..."


"What's wrong with your hair?" I heard a girl giggling behind me.

I slowly turned my head to look at her. She was sitting a desk behind me. I'm sure I haven't seen her around before. Of course I haven't. Its my first day here and I already wanna leave as fast as I can. Everybody is looking at me as if I'm an alien or something.

I'm the new girl. Of course I'm an alien in other's eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked the girl. Yeah I know I thought of it too. What do you mean, by Justin Bieber.

The girl started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I asked without a specific tone in my voice. "Cause I want to bitch." The girl made everyone in the class burst into laughter. I shake my head and turn my eyes on my books before the teacher arrived.

"Oh wait! Dude she likes Bieber, look at her shirt!" A guy said probably pointing at my hoodie. It was Justin's Merchandise, my favourite one.

I turned around to see everyone trying to hide a laughter. At first I was confused, what's wrong with my hoodie? I questioned myself.

"So you're a belberiber or whatsoever?" The girl that made fun of my hair before asked me. "Its called Belieber, and yes. What's the problem?" I looked at everyone.

"Look girlie, nobody here listens to Bieber. So you're not matching with us." Another girl said. "And why should I match at first place? I'm different." I pointed out pretty confident that my response was decent.

But I guess it wasn't. Everyone started laughing, not what I expected. I lowered my head, guess that's what they wanted me to do.

"Guys enough. Just leave her alone!" An unfamiliar male voice said from the back of the class making everybody stop. I hesitantly turned my head to look at that person. Just for a moment I thought he smiled at me, but maybe I was wrong.

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