|41| bad reputation

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Shawn's Pov

I realised the dawn was near when my eyes looked out of my bedroom window. The sky had a weird wine colour as the sun was rising.

I haven't slept all night. My thoughts were eating me alive.

Going to school that day was something I didn't want to do, but I had to.

When I drove there I quickly walked to my first period ignoring everything around me. The period passed quickly even though I had no idea of what mister Evans was talking about. I couldn't concentrate at all.

My mind was in places outside of the classroom.

The bell rang scaring me for a moment but then I quickly stood up and packed my stuff. The atmosphere in the classroom was unbearable and I just had to breath some fresh air.

As I was walking down the hallway I noticed a lot of people surrounding a locker. Soon I realised it was Odette's locker so I walked closer trying to figure out what was going on.

I saw faces I didn't recognize until my eyes fell on someone I knew so damn well. Maggie.

Everyone turned to look at me as I was approaching them. I looked at all of them confused until I saw Odette's locker.

It was decorated with flowers, photos of her and letters some of the students wrote.

Maggie left a white rose bouquet there before she turned to look at me.

"What are you doing there?" I asked her crossing my arms. "I thought that organizing this decoration of Odette's locker will be a nice move from us to her." She smiled.

"And you remembered to do something nice for her after she died?" I asked. "Because if I remember well, you were the one that set up the whole plan with Harvey. You were the one that was making her feel threatened. You were the one that made her life worse just because you were fucking jealous of her!" I yelled before she could say something.

I walked over the locker and grabbed a bunch of letters and flowers.

"This won't make you a better person or give you grace Maggie! We both know you're doing this for your stupid reputation." I threw the flowers on her. "Odette doesn't need your fake apologies or fake tears. You all did what you did to her and now you try to play the victims as well." I said ripping off all of the photos and papers they out on her locker.

"You know so damn well you're part of the reasons why she killed herself Maggie! So stop running away from it!" I yelled at her face while everyone was watching me turning the letters and everything into pieces with my hands.

"Hey!" Harvey run up to us. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh did you come here to leave flowers and shit to Odette's locker so nobody will actually believe that you're a fucking rapist?" I asked full of anger. "Mendes drop it here." He said.

"Or what?" I asked. "It's not the time and the place to talk about this." He tried to calm me down. "Actually its the perfect time and place to talk about this. I think everyone has the right to know you raped Odette." I said loudly making sure they could all listen to me. "You're so fucking done." Harvey whispered before he punched me in the face.

I fired back once before mister Brown came to separate us.

"What is this whole bad reputation lately Mendes?" Mister Brown asked me before he saw the mess around Odette's locker. "What happened here?" He asked again.

"Mister Brown we all wrote letters for Odette and brought flowers to her locker but Shawn got mad and ripped them all off." Maggie tried to act all innocent.

"Shawn, the kids wanted to do something nice for-" I interrupted him. "Yeah everyone is so nice in this school until they drive you to kill yourself!" I yelled getting the whole hallway's students attention.

"Here." I walked next to Harvey. "Everyone is so nice that they end up raping you." I said and then approached Maggie. "Everyone is so nice that they make you feel unwelcomed. They bully you daily and they mentally abuse you just because they are jealous." I said smiling sarcastically.

I walked over Madison. "Everyone is so nice that they spread rumors and lies about you." I said and then walked up to mister Brown.

"And here's another example. Everyone is so nice that they believe the rumors about someone and turn their back to them. They put them in stupid recovery programs as if they're sick and they make things a hundred times worse." I accused him right in the face.

"Isn't this school so nice?" I questioned looking at everyone.

"Those are some serious allegations mister Mendes." Mister Brown said. "Nothing is more serious than what I am feeling now." The sorrow came back in my eyes as I was trying to hold a tear back.

Everyone was still, looking at me.

"Odette got in her bathtub holding a razor in her hands and cut her wrists to death because you all let her down but most importantly, because I broke my promises." I said in a tone that could only break someone's heart.

All I knew was that my heart was broken, and it would remain like this for a long time.

People like Odette come once in a life time. Why couldn't I appreciate what I had when it was next to me? I failed. I failed her. And this will forever haunt me.

I don't know if I can live with the feeling of her watching me. I know she is. I know she's here next to me. But I can't feel her, or see her, or admire her beautiful eyes and tell her how much I love her. Because I do.

Nobody had ever loved anybody more than I did Odette.


So, this is the end of No Promises wow. When I started this book I never thought I would get so attached to it. Its something I'm so proud of doing and I love it with all my heart and soul.

I really hope you enjoyed the entire book because I enjoyed writing it a lot. Don't forget to vote and comment down bellow!

thank you for sticking with me for so long

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