|06| kid in love

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Shawn's Pov

Someone knocked on my bedroom's door twice before I told them to come in. It was Camila.

"Hey." She said closing the door. I left my phone on the bedside table and smiled at her. "What's up?" I asked her. "I was wondering where have you been the entire day. Were you out with Maggie?" She sat next to me.

"Um not really. I was.. hanging out with Odette." I confessed not sure about the way she'll react. "Really? She told me she had to study and lied?" Camila asked me. "Well it wasn't planned. I was in my car driving home when I saw someone pulling her violently towards his car in the school's parking lot. It was her dad and after I took her away she explained everything to me. She really needed that please don't be mad at her." I explained. "Oh gosh, is she okay now? This man is a maniac." She sounded scared. "Yeah she is. You knew about the way her parents were treating her back in San Diego and you said nothing?" I asked. "She was scared Shawn, I couldn't go and talk about it with everyone. But I'm happy you guys get along. She's amazing." I smiled bringing back to my memory the day we had together. "No dough." I said softly looking at the ceiling.

"Okay so Ethan said that since we have three days off school in about ten days, we should go to his parents' house in Malibu. It will be awesome just think about it!" My sister smiled widely. "Sure why not." I couldn't say no. She jumped in my arms smiling and then she stood up. "It's gonna be amazing!" I giggled with how excited she sounded before she left for her bedroom.

I went back at texting with Odette without letting her wait for too long for a response.

Odette :)

Hey so Camila told me
They're planning to go
On a two days trip next
Week to Malibu since we
Have a three days off school

Ethan has a house there

And I was wondering if you
Wanna come

I'd love to! I've never
Been to Malibu and it
Sounds fun doing it
With you guys


Stop saying thank you!

I'll try 😂

I was ready to reply but I got another message. Maggie. Oh shit I forgot about her. I quickly opened the message.


I'm calling you RIGHT NOW

Great she was upset. Nice to meet you everybody, you don't mess with Maggie when she's angry.

I answered her phone call seconds later.

"Hey babe." I said in a soft tone.

"Where have you been Shawn?" She asked irritated.

"I-I was out with friends." I obviously lied.

"And you couldn't text your girlfriend?" She yelled.

"Maggie relax! You could have text me as well. Why do I always have to be the first one?" I asked

"Just cause Shawn! That's out thing!"

"Can you please calm down? It happened only one time!" I raised the tone of my voice.

"And now you're yelling at me?"

"Maggie if you keep finding excuses to fight with me then I'll just hang up!" I warned her.

"Okay I'm sorry. I was wondering if you wanna do anything special next week since we have three days off school." She asked me.

"Um.. I actually just planned something. I'm sorry."

"What?" There she goes again.

"I'm going to Malibu for two days with Camila and our company. Ethan has a house there." I explained.

"And why can't I come? I'm your girlfriend."

"Maggie I didn't plan this. Ethan did and he only invited people he wanted there. If it was me I would invite you."

"One question Mendes. Will that new girl, Odette be there?" She asked.


"You're not going." She said in a hurry.

"You're not my parent or anything Maggie. I wanna hang out with my friends and she's one of them." I stood up for Odette.

"Well I don't like your friends."

"And my friends don't like you but I didn't say anything about it!" I yelled leaving her speechless. Maybe that was too harsh. "Look Maggie. My friends are my second family and if you ever ask me to cut them off I won't be able to do it, but instead of that I'll cut you off. The people I choose to hang out with are people I trust and love. I chose you to be my girlfriend if you remember that, that means I want you in my life. So stop making things too complicated and stop putting pressure on me cause I don't know for how long I'll be able to take it." I was 100% honest with her. "Goodnight." And with that I ended the call before she could say anything.

I looked at my guitar at the corner of my bedroom and a few seconds later I walked over there to grab it.

I haven't written anything for the past few months. Its inspiration that's missing from me. But tonight I feel ready to write again.

I started singing a melody that got stacked in my mind when I was dancing with Odette. I grabbed a pen and a paper and sat on the floor with my guitar next to me.

And I know that we just met
And maybe this is dump
But it feels like there was something from the way that we touched

Those words came out naturally. I was surprised with myself. Music usually helps me admit somethings to myself and realise some others. Its easier for me to write about how I feel than say it to myself. My songs are like my diary, too personal to share with anyone.

Maybe I'm just a kid in love
Maybe I'm just a kid in love
Oh baby
If this is what its like falling in love
Then I don't ever wanna grow up

I looked at the mirror on the other side of the room. I looked ridiculously confused. But maybe this song could help me. Maybe I'm a kid in love. Oh this is going to be long night,

I think I like Odette...


Looks like Shawn has to stop and start confessing ha? 😉😂

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment down below for more!


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