|18| its going downhill

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Odette's Pov

I was ready to walk out of school after an exhausting day in it when I heard someone calling my name

"Odette hello!" Madison, Maggie's friend, came up to me out of nowhere. "Hi." I hesitantly murmured.

"How's everything going?" She asked me. I have to confess I didn't expect this. "I guess everything's good." I said. "Glad to hear that. As long as you're happy then everyone else doesn't matter." She told me and her tone became colder. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't understand honey. Everyone here knows what kind of person you are. We all know what you did to Maggie and what kind of a liar you are." She said. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked as my palms started sweating like crazy. "We all know you had sex with Shawn while he was still dating Maggie. You're such a slut." She looked at me with a disgusted look. "What? That's far from reality! That's not what happened!" I yelled. "Either way that's what everyone believes." She was about to walk away but she turned back at me.

"Plus your pussy must be used this kind of stuff right?" She asked. "What?" I asked trying my best not to burst in tears. "I heard about your little secret relationship with your friend's dad when you were 15. This man must be sick to have sex with a 15 year old, but in this case you're the disgusting one." My heart stopped beating for a moment and a tear trailed down my cheek. "That's a lie!" I yelled again. "Too bad that everyone believes its true though." She checked something on her phone and then turned to me again.

"You're not the angel you're trying to persuade everyone you are and they all know. Oh and don't worry, Shawn will find out about what kind of a person you are sooner or later. See you soon slut." She smiled at me and walked away feeling victorious. I stood there, still like a stone while my brain was trying to process what the hell happened.

I didn't want anyone to see me crying so I quickly started running away as fast as I could.

I walked to the nearest park and I just sat on a bench under a big tree. I couldn't hold my tears back and I felt as if they were creating a river under my eyes.

My phone rang, it was Shawn. I didn't pick it up, I couldn't pick it up. He was probably really worried because I didn't show up at his car like we were planning. But I felt so weak that I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even him.

Everything is going downhill.

And suddenly I felt really tired, as if the world was draining me from everything that I had. As if I was empty inside.

How could I believe I was so lucky? I couldn't be that lucky. I couldn't live in a fairytale. I guess I didn't deserve it. Just when I thought everything was finally great in my life, here comes the pouring rain. I'm going back to where I started.

I felt lost and just for a moment the whole world turned to mute. I couldn't hear anyone, I didn't care to hear anyone. I didn't care about anything. I thought I had everything under control but everything turned to dust in a matter of minutes. All I knew was that everything Madison said was pure lies. But nobody would believe me.

And then suddenly I was labeled as a Slut, Bitch and a Liar.

I sat on that same bench for many hours. I didn't even understand how the time passed. It was around 9 o'clock when I was ready to walk home.

You know that moment when you're done crying and you feel nothing at all. That's exactly how I was feeling.

It probably took me a while to walk home but at least I had some more time alone.

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