|16| the mysterious man

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Maggie's Pov

"Harvey! Over here!" I yelled Harvey's name when I saw him in the distance. He run towards me. "Hey what's wrong? Why did you wanna meet me so bad?" He asked while I gave him a tight hug.

"It's a long story, why don't we go grab some coffee and I'll explain." I suggested. "Sure." He nodded and we drove to the local cafe.

"So what was so important? What's the issue?" Harvey asked me right after we made our order. "Odette is the issue." I looked at him right in the eyes. "The new one? Isn't she dating your ex?" He asked. "Here's the deal with this, Shawn never actually broke up with me, he cheated on me with Odette." I stated not regretting a word. "What? Are you serious? I really thought Shawn was a nice guy." He sounded confused. "He was but she changed him. She made him hate me and they eventually slept together. It all happened when they visited Malibu, that's when he cheated on me. And then he humiliated in front of the entire school because I simply wanted to talk to him."

"How can he treat you like that? And I absolutely didn't expect Odette to be such a bitch." Harvey took a ship of his coffee. "But she is, she's fooling everyone with her fake ass cute persona but in reality she's an awful person." I explained. "I understand. Okay so how can I help you? What can I do for you?" He asked. "The world needs to know who she really is. So I want you to go around and spread the real story so everyone will eventually hate her. Everybody has to know that she stole him from me. Also just to make it more dramatic you can spread around rumors about her past like she slept with her dad's friend or she was the one bullying other girls in her old school that's why she got kicked out." I said. "I agree but isn't the last part too harsh?" He asked. "No its not! She's going to pay for ruining my relationship."

"Okay then." He agreed. "Wait there is more. I want you to start approaching her friendly and then start flirting with her. We need to make up a story of you two having a thing so Shawn will break up with her. And eventually come back to me." I smiled. "I love how evil you can get." He laughed. "When it comes to things like that I'll do anything to take what I own back." I said.

Odette's Pov

I was cleaning my grandma's library as I promised her, not planning to do anything this afternoon.

I found an old photograph album so I sat down and opened it. There were so many old photos of my grandma and grandpa, my mom with her friends, family photos and a lot more. A photo of my mom holding a baby and a man hugging both of them caught my attention. I looked closer to realise that this baby was me.

I was left with a confused look in my eyes trying to realise who this man was. He looked nothing like my father.

As I turned the page I saw a very similar photo to the previous one but in this one this man was kissing my mom and they were holding me in the middle. I left this photo behind and I searched for this man in other photos as well. But I couldn't find him anywhere. It was just as if my grandma purposely kept only two photos of him and my mom.

I was lost in my thoughts when I got interrupted by the doorbell. I kept one of the photos in my pocket and put the album back on the shelf. I run to open the door and I saw Shawn standing there holding some sunflowers in his hands, my favourite. "Hey baby!" I let him come in and he immediately hugged me tight. "Those are for you." He handed me the flowers and then planted a kiss on my lips.

"I hope you don't have any plans for this evening." He said closing the door by himself. "No I was just.. um cleaning my grandma's library." I said thinking about the photos I saw before. "Great because I'm taking you on a date." He smiled looking into my eyes. "What do you have in mind Mendes?" I smirked. "Its a surprise go get ready." He kissed me one more time and I run upstairs to get ready.

Shawn's Pov

Right after Odette was done preparing herself for our date we left her house and got in my car.

"So where are we going?" Odette asked me when she got her seat belt on. "We'll stop for ice cream and then we'll go visit the Hollywood hill. The sunset is insane from up there you'll love it." I explained. She just stared at me smiling without saying a word. "What?" I giggled. "Nothing." She took her eyes off me. "I love seeing your smile." I told her making her look at me again. "You create it." She responded and I kissed her lips before I started driving.

We bought ice cream from our favourite store to go to and then I drove to the Hills.

We left the car behind and we decided to explore the area by foot. I held her hand and we started waking together. "I've never done this before." She said looking at the sun while it was setting creating a prism of colours in the sky. "It's beautiful up here you were right." She added smiling at me.

I decided to take my camera out and capture the dazzling moment.

"Shawn!" Odette hide her face when she noticed I was filming her. I laughed. "Look at the view kids look at the view!" I said smiling. She eventually took her hand off her face. "Look at this view." I said again. She turned her head and looked at the sunset. "Oh there's a sunset behind the view too." I added making her laugh when she realised I was talking about her the whole time.

"You're so cute." She squeezed my cheeks giggling. "You're my view Odette." I closed her in my arms and then planted a kiss on her forehead.

After a while we decided to sit on the edge of a cliff so we could see the whole Los Angeles from there.

The scenery was stunning but not like her, she was something out of this world. I thought to myself when she laid her head on my shoulder.

 I thought to myself when she laid her head on my shoulder

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There you have it guys! New update and a really important one! We got a lot going on in this chapter ha?😉

I smell drama and manyyy more!🙈👀

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section below and don't forget to vote!


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