|33| sorrow

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Shawn's Pov

I drove to the hills since it was the only place relaxing me and I needed some time alone.

I walked to the very edge of the hill and sat there looking at the view.

I tried to clear my mind but it didn't work. All I was thinking about was Odette and the photos I saw earlier. Something inside me still believed that it was all a bad dream and I would wake up with my arms around her.

But it was reality. The saddest reality I've ever lived.

It hurts more than you can imagine, more than I can describe with words. Its crazy how everything can change over a night.

Only one question was going through my mind all the time. Why?

Why did she cheat on me? Why did she lie to me? Why did all those had to happen?

I needed Odette just like she needed me. Or at least that's what I thought. Maybe I was completely wrong. Maybe she never truly loved me the way I thought she did. Maybe Odette just played with me so she wouldn't be lonely. Maybe all she wanted at first place was to use people.

How could I be so stupid? How could you be so stupid Shawn?

Camila's Pov

Shawn didn't come back from school and he wasn't picking up his phone since the noon which made me really worried.

I called Ethan to ask him if he has talked to Shawn after school but he hadn't tried to contact anyone.

It was getting dark, I was home alone and I clearly had no clue whether Shawn was okay or not.

After hours of waiting and waiting Shawn finally came back home and I immediately run to hug him. "Where the hell have you been Shawn? I was so worried!" I said closing him in my arms as tight as I could. He didn't respond or hug me back. He just stood there still like a rock.

"Shawn?" I looked at him confused. "Shawn what happened? Why are you like that?" I asked again. He was just looking at the wall with a blank face. I've never seen my brother like that before.

"Odette cheated on me with Harvey." He said without a colour or tone in his voice. "What?" I asked shocked of what I heard.

"She cheated on me Camila. That's why she broke up with me. She just doesn't want me anymore. And I doubt if she ever really wanted me." Shawn said without looking at me. He gently got my hands off his shoulders and walked towards the stairs.

"Shawn!" I tried to stop him. "I don't wanna talk about it Camila. Goodnight." This was the most empty goodnight he had ever told me. Shawn walked into his room and slammed the door loudly behind him.

I tried to process what had just happened and what I heard when a loud bang came from upstairs.

I run to Shawn's bedroom and when I opened the door I saw a broken glass made vase on the floor. "Shawn." I whispered looking at his full of madness eyes. "Get out Camila." He said. "But Shawn-" I began to say. "Just get out!" He yelled punching the wall.

I eventually did what he said even though I didn't want to leave him alone.

I stormed downstairs and dialed Ethan's number.

"Hey I need you to come over. Shawn is a mess." I said when he picked up the phone.

Odette's Pov

I was half asleep when my phone buzzed twice.

It was a text from Maggie. I rolled my eyes and opened the chat.

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