|23| the letter

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Odette's Pov

I let the white rose touch the dirt above my grandma's grave and then a tear followed the rose and it hit the ground.

Shawn's hand gently touched my shoulder as he was standing behind me.

I swallowed hard trying to keep my heart's pace steady.

I fell on my knees slowly stroking the lifeless dirt. "I'm sorry granny. I'm so sorry." I whispered as my voice cracked. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was wrong to put the blame on you for my parents' mistakes. I'm sorry." I said again.

"Baby please, stop putting the blame on you." Shawn told me. "If your grandma was here she wouldn't want to see you like this. Marjorie loves you." He slowly helped me stand up again. I buried my face in his chest.

"Odette I don't know what to say. You have my condolences." I heard Bradley. "I'm so sorry Odette." Loren looked at me with sympathy. I just looked at them and nodded.

I didn't want to say anything. I didn't need to say anything. I just wanted to stay silent and quiet. I couldn't talk, it was just like someone took my vocals out of my throat and I couldn't make a sound.

"Baby I think we should go home. You need some rest, you haven't slept since yesterday morning." Shawn suggested. "Can we stop by my house?" I asked. "Didn't we agree that you're not going back there? At least for now." Shawn said. "You'll be staying with me from now on." He added. "But I have to get some of my stuff that I left there. It will only take a few minutes I promise." I insisted. "Okay, lets go." I finally persuaded him.

"I'll see you later then." Camila said. I nodded and followed Shawn to his car.

I pulled my black mindy dress in the car before Shawn drove me to my grandma's house.

"I'll be back in five minutes." I said getting out of the car. I run towards the doorstep, unlocked the door and got in. I looked on the floor since a piece of paper caught my attention. It was a letter and I quickly became suspicious as I was wondering why didn't the police take it since they searched the house for evidence.

I grabbed it and I immediately recognized the handwriting. It was my dad's. Well, my step dad's.

My heart started to race as I started reading the letter.

"Odette sweetheart, I'm sorry for your loss. You truly loved your grandma and Marjorie adored you."

I was confused as hell since this was the last thing I expected to read.

"...but I had to do it." I continue reading and this weird sentence worried me, what did he mean with that?

"I had to. I'm sorry. But it's not my fault, Marjorie wanted to reveal you the truth about your past. Can you realise how catastrophic it was for me? I couldn't just let you go. I own you, remember? So I had to take her life away since she wanted to destroy me. Its okay, less trouble for me. You'll get over it don't worry.

Odette sweetheart, remember that I'm always there. I'm always watching you, and I wouldn't like you to share this letter with anyone. And you won't share it with anyone, you know why? Because you want to protect your boyfriend. So if you don't want Shawn to meet your grandma in heaven, then keep this note a secret. Let's call it a little daughter-father secret.

Lots of love, dad"

A tear trailed down my cheek and then fell on the sheet I was holding.

This time it was a mixture of sadness and anger tears. I couldn't believe what I had just read. How can someone be so cruel?

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