|25| someone's stalking me

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Shawn's Pov

"Baby?" I said shutting the door behind me. I left my keys on the table waiting for an answer. "Baby are you home?" I yelled again but didn't get a reply.

I run upstairs in my bedroom to find Odette sleeping peacefully on my bed.  I exhaled in sign of relief since I was happy I eventually found her.

I walked closer to the bed and sat down next to her.

I smiled stroking her soft hair. She looked like an angel and I could sit there admiring her for hours.

I knew her, I knew her face and it didn't look happy. It seemed as if she was frowning. A sorrow was reflecting on her pale skin and I knew what was causing it. But I couldn't do much to help her.

Sometimes I sit down and ponder. I'm trying hard to find a way to make things easier for her, to find a solution. But Odette's situation doesn't have one. It kills me watching her like this and not doing anything. I love her more than anything and I felt completely useless.

She slowly started opening her ocean blue eyes.

"Sh-Shawn?" She asked rubbing her eyes. I smiled because she looked so cute. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Brad told me he saw you running away from school after second period and I decided to run away too. I was worried, why didn't you say anything before leaving?" I asked her. "I just wanted some time alone. I was tired and I decided to come here and rest a little bit." She explained.

"Odette, is everything okay? I feel like you're hiding something from me." I said. "Everything is fine. I mean, apart from the fact that I lost my grandma." She said lowering her head. "We share everything right?" I asked touching her hand. She nodded smiling after a while.

I planted a kiss on her lips. I didn't expect a reaction to my kiss but instead of that she deepened it. She run her fingers through my hair as I bite her bottom lip. I laid her back still kissing her lips, while our legs were intertwined. I moved on to her chin and then her neck assuming that's what she wanted.

"Sh-Shawn st-stop." She said pulling her hands away. I looked at her confused. She pulled herself back, grabbed a pillow and wrapped it between her legs. She looked freaked out and then a tear escaped her left eye.

"I-Im sorry Shawn." She said sounding ashamed of her actions. She didn't make eye contact with me.

"What happened baby? I-I thought you wanted me to go on." I said confused. "I-I did but..." I still couldn't understand her. "But what?" I asked.

"Why are you dating me?" She asked surprising me. "What kind of question is that?" I asked. "I mean, why am I your girlfriend?" She looked at me with teary eyes. "It's not that I'm pretty, or popular in school, or the coolest person to hang out with. I'm just a waste of time and a trouble. I stay at your place cause I-" I interrupted her by pressing my lips on hers.

"Where did all those come from?" I asked breaking the kiss. "I was just thinking too much." She lowered her head again. "Did anybody tell you something like this?" I asked suspicious as I was. "N-no." I didn't believe her but I acted like I did. "Come here." I said pulling her close to me.

"You shouldn't feel insecure about anything sweet. I am with you because I love you. You're the most beautiful and sweet person. You matter to me." I said looking into her eyes. "Now I feel bad for pushing you away before." She said. "As much as I want this to happen between us I can wait for as long as you want." I told her.

"I want this to happen too." She said. "Whenever you're ready. I want this to be exactly as you want it." I smiled at her before pecking her lips again.

Odette's Pov

Bradley called Shawn earlier and said he wanted him come over. Shawn left a few minutes ago leaving me with Camila and his parents in the house.

I was sitting all quiet in the room, messing around with my phone next to the opened window. It was dark and quiet outside.

Suddenly I heard some noises coming from the bushes outside which caught my attention. I focused on the spot I heard the noise coming from, trying to realise what caused it.

A few seconds later and after not hearing anything I decided to close the window and take a shower.

I walked in the bathroom after taking my towel. I undressed myself and I tied my hair in a messy bun.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped my naked body with it after a hot relaxing shower.

I walked into the bedroom to take my cloths from my suitcase.

I made sure the door was locked before I let the white towel hit the floor. I applied moisturizing lotion all over my body and I was ready to put my underwear on when I saw a camera flash outside of the window. I quickly covered my body with the towel again and run towards it to check.

"Who's there?" I yelled when I opened the window. I didn't get an answer but I heard noises like movements behind the bushes.

Terrified as I was I quickly run out of the bedroom and frantically rushed into Camila's.

"Camila someone's stalking me!" I said while my heart was like running a marathon. "What?" She jumped out of her bed. "Y-yeah. There is someone out of the house. I heard noises and saw camera flashes out of my window." I said. Camila grabbed my hand and we both run downstairs where her parents were.

"Dad!" She yelled running into his office. "Dad!" She yelled again.

"What's wrong Cami?" Mister Manuel asked. "Someone was outside of Shawn's bedroom and they were taking photos of her." Camila told him and he quickly rushed outside to check.

"What happened girls?" Miss Karen asked us looking worried. "Someone was stalking me." I said terrified of the idea of someone photographing me naked. "Yeah and dad went outside to check." Camila added.

"There was nobody outside. I checked everywhere." Mister Manuel run back to us. He looked out of breath.

I started crying the moment I heard that. "Oh no. Hey please don't cry." Miss Karen gave me a side hug. "Are you sure you saw camera flashes Odette?" Mister Manuel asked me. I nodded sniffing my nose.

"Dad why don't we call the police?" Camila suggested. "Yeah I'll call them right now." He said.

"Do you want me to call Shawn sweetheart?" Miss Karen asked. I nodded.

"Come on Odette, let's go upstairs. You need to get dressed." Camila took me upstairs and left me alone to wear my pajamas. I allowed her to enter the room when I was ready.

I sat on a chair and she sat next to me.

"Camz." I said in a soft tone. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you all in danger. If I wasn't here nobody would stalk your house and-" she didn't let me finish. "You're my best friend and I have your back. You don't need to apologize for anything. We're here for you and we'll protect you no matter what." She smiled at me and I gave her a tight embrace.

I sat on that chair waiting for Shawn quietly.

After a while the bedroom door got opened and Shawn run towards my direction. I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. I started sobbing on his shoulder. "Ssh. I'm here." He said with his sweet like candy voice.

"I got scared Shawn." I struggled to say between my tears. "Its over now baby. Whoever the fuck was stalking you will have to deal with me now."  He said keeping me tight in his hug.

"I'll kill that mother fucker." He whispered to himself and right after that he stroked my hair.


Sooo who could the stalker be?🤔 guess we'll find out in the following chapters

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