|17| why are they staring?

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Odette's Pov

~A Couple Of days Later~

I walked into my class after the break. I felt almost everyone staring at me as if I had something on my face. This thing has been happening since the morning and I don't know why.

I was used to Maggie and her company staring at me but not the whole school. It started getting uncomfortable and it made me feel unwanted. I tried hard to ignore them and I sat on my desk.

It was math class and I was trying my best to keep up with the subject since it was one of the most difficult subjects for me.

But unfortunately they wouldn't let me. The guy that was sitting behind me would always throw small pieces of paper on my hair having Maggie and her friends laughing. Sometimes I wonder if they're seniors or kids in kindergarten.

The bell rang and I quickly packed my stuff and put them in my bag.

"Where are you going cutie?" All of a sudden Harvey showed up in front of me. I tried to avoid him but he held me back. "Where are your manners Odette?" He asked. "What do you want Harvey?" I asked irritated. "I just wanted to check if you're okay." He smirked. "I would be better if you could leave me alone." I insisted. "But I enjoy your company." He said and touched my chin. "Leave me alone!" I yelled pulling myself back.

"Odette?" I heard Bradley calling my name and soon he run towards me.

"What's your deal Harvey?" He asked. "Not your business Bradley." Harvey rolled his eyed and walked out of the classroom.

I exhaled once and looked at Bradley. "Thanks Brad." I said. "Anytime Od." He hugged me. "Wait Od?" I asked giggling. "Shawn called you Od once and I thought you liked it." He said and I just laughed.

~After School~

Shawn drove me home after school and I told him to stay for lunch with us.

"Grandma I'm home! Shawn's here too." I yelled taking my shoes out. "Lunch will be ready in a while honey." I heard her yelling from the kitchen.

"Let's go upstairs." I said and we walked into my bedroom.

"Shawn there's something I wanna talk about." I said when he sat on my bed. "What is it babe?" He asked. I took out the photo of my mom and that guy I found the other day and handed it to him. "What is this?" He asked. "That's an old photo of my mom, me as a baby and this man I've never seen before in my life." I explained. "Isn't he your dad?" Shawn asked. "No he's not. And that's the weirdest part out of all. Nobody had ever mentioned this man to me, and my grandma had only two photos of him and my mom. Its as if they were hiding him from me." I said. "Well that's weird." Shawn pointed out.

"I want you to search for this man." I told him. "Baby how can I do that? I only have one photo of him, not even his name. Its impossible." He said. "Start from my mom's Facebook friends." I insisted. "Something's telling me that this man is important." I added. "Sweet, I'll try but I can't promise a lot." He leaned on and kissed me once. I smiled after the kiss looking forward to find out who this man was.

Shawn's Pov

I drove home after lunch with Odette and her grandma to start studying.

I threw my bag on my bedroom's floor and I sat on my desk. I remembered the photo Odette gave me earlier and I took it out of my pocket. It was indeed a weird photo and Odette seemed to really want to find out who this guy was.

I immediately opened my laptop and logged into my facebook account. I searched for Odette's mom. Anastasia Conte. And I quickly found her profile. She hasn't posted anything since June 2011, which seemed weird to me. I looked through her timeline and searched carefully for that man. Unfortunately she had no photos posted with him.

I decided to check her friends and after some minutes I realised she hadn't friended anyone that even looked close to the man in the photo.

I saw a username that caught my attention, Marjorie Conte. Soon I realised it was Odette's grandma. Surprised that she owned a profile I clicked on it. Her last post was on June 2011, which was oddly weird since her daughter quit her profile on the same day. I started scrolling down her friends list all though I didn't expect much to come out of it.

I was proven wrong since soon I bumped into a profile picture that looked identical to the man in the photo. I quickly clicked on it. The name was, Andrew Parks. After looking at all of his posts I undoubtedly knew it was the guy I was looking for. The weirdest thing about this account is that his last post was on 2001 and the account wasn't taken down even if it wasn't active.

"Shawn?" My mom entered the room with a smile on her mouth. "Hey mom." I looked at her smiling. She approached me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "How was your day sweetie?" She asked. "It was good, I was at Odette's for lunch." I said. "Why don't you invite Odette for dinner on Sunday so your dad will meet her?" She suggested. "That will be great, she'll love the idea." I smiled.

"Who's that?" She asked pointing at my laptop's screen with her finger. She noticed the photo on my desk too and she took a look at it. "I'm doing a research for Odette, its too complicated." I explained. "I'll let you continue your research then." She stroke my shoulder and walked out of the room.

I looked back at the screen trying hard to guess who that guy could be.


Kinda small chapter but important. Now I wanna know who you think that man could be an why do you think he's so important for the book? 🤔

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!


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