|15| waking up with you

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Odette's Pov

I got in the car with Shawn as we waved at everyone else.

"So, there's something I have to ask you." I said putting my seatbelt on. "Tell me." Shawn said as he begun to drive. "Can I sleep at your place tonight? My grandma insisted for a strange reason." I explained. "You don't even need to ask." He leaned on and pecked my lips once before he looked back to the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Since you're staying at my place, why don't we have a night in. We can watch a movie and order pizza." He suggested. "Sure!" I smiled.

Shawn drove to his house and we walked in after he parked in the garage.

"My parents will be home late at night so the house is all ours." Shawn said as he was turning the lights on. "Great." I said walking to the living room and sat on the couch. "I'll go order pizza, you pick a movie." Shawn said and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the controller and browsed through Netflix to find a good movie to watch.

"Okay the pizza will be here soon. Did you end up finding a movie?" Shawn jumped over the couch and closed me in his arms squeezing me like a kid. "Yeah why don't we watch The Conjuring 2?" I asked. "You sure about that? Its quite scary." I laughed with him. "Don't tell me you're scared!" I teased him. "Of course I'm not. Le-let's watch it." I giggled as he was obviously lying and pressed the play button.

The pizza got delivered half an hour later and we had a great time watching the film together.

"Babe its over." I whispered to Shawn's ear when the movie was over. He was hiding his face with a pillow for almost the entire movie. "Oh thank God." He let the pillow on the couch next to him. I laughed looking at him. "You're so cute when you're scared." I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm so happy you're staying with me tonight." He smiled. "Yeah but I have no pajamas or anything with me." I remembered. "I'll drive to the supermarket to get you anything you need and babe you don't need pajamas." He smirked making me laugh. "And why is that?" I asked as he was approaching me making me slowly lay on the couch. "Cause I like you without them too." He started kissing my lips and just for a moment everything was perfect.

Every little thing that was stressing me out was gone. Every single person that was making my life a hell disappeared. Every doubt I had, every fear, every insecurity belonged to the past. I caught myself lost in the taste of his lips. Its just as I was sick and his kiss was my medicine, my remedy, my sweetener. And I knew so well I could never get tired of tasting his lips, I could never complain, I could never hesitate. I knew so damn well my lips were originally made just to kiss his.

Do I sound crazy?


Is it possible to feel so attached to a person you know so little? But I felt as if I knew him for years. Maybe I'm too young, some will say. But I've never felt more sure in my life than I do now. A 17 year old that talks like an adult. The universe, God, karma, call it what you want, somehow managed to create two people meant for each other. Some people believe in meant to be, I'm one of them. Everything in my life, every moment, every second has come to this.

Suddenly it all made sense. It all made sense because of him. It all got a purpose. My horror story became a fairytale. The monsters turned into angels and I turned into a princess holding a whole kingdom in my hands. And it was that moment when little Odette realised she's in love with Shawn.

Call me biased, but I'm so in love with Shawn.

"Odette." Shawn broke the kiss to say something. "What?" I asked. "I'm so in love with you." He whispered with his eyes closed. I smiled as I heard the sweetest words in the world. I leaned on and I kissed him again. "But I am more." I whispered before he picked me up from the couch while kissing me.

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