|28| bad decisions

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Odette's Pov

"Odette?" Bradley asked surprised by the fact I was standing by his doorstep. i didnt say anything i just stood there looking at him like an idiot. an idiot with teary swollen eyes.

"are you okay?" he insisted. "do i look like it?" i asked. "clearly not. come inside." he said and then closed the door right after i got inside.

"where's shawn?" he asked. i just started crying harder than before. the memory of what happened and the fact that i couldnt tell shawn brought the tears back. "odette please tell me whats wrong? did you guys fight or something?" bradley asked. i denied it by shaking my head. "then what is it?" he asked again. "bradley can you please not ask much?" i said rubbing my eyes.

he remained quiet for a good couple of seconds and the awkward silence filled the room.

"i need a place to stay in tonight." i said after a while.

"what about shawn's?"

"i-i cant stay there. brad please dont ask anything and please let me sleep here tonight." i begged. " y-yeah of course you can stay. should i call someone? you clearly look like a mess and im scared. i dont know what to do." i wanted to ask him to call shawn but what would i tell him? that i went to a party without telling him about it and i ended up getting raped?

"no! dont tell anybody please. just let me sleep here im really tired." he nodded and led me to the guest room where he told me i could rest.

i took my shoes off and laid on the bed after bradley goodnighted me with a hug. a much much needed hug. the lights were all off and it was really quiet. the bed felt cold and the lifeless blanket couldn't replace shawn's arms.

~Next Morning~

"Odette?" A hand was shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and I saw Bradley looking at me.

"Hey sleepy head." He said. "Good morning." I said rubbing my eyes.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. "I've slept better." I stood up. "Get ready, there's breakfast waiting for you downstairs. And.." he stopped talking and looked at me. "And?" I encouraged him to keep going. "And Shawn's also here." He said. "Brad! Why did you bring him here?" I asked. "He called me three times last night to ask if I know where you are. He sounded really worried Odette. I had to tell him the truth." Bradley said. "Ugh fine." I walked in the bathroom.

After getting ready I took a deep breath and I headed downstairs.

"Odette!" Shawn immediately run up to me. He pulled me in his hug and held me tight. I started crying there in his arms. "Ssh. Why are you crying baby?" Shawn looked at me wiping the tears away. "I-Im sorry for not calling you last night." I apologized. "Its okay sweet, but why didn't you come home?" He asked. "It was late and Bradley's house was nearer and I didn't want to wake you up." I said.

"Its okay it's okay, look at me." He grabbed the two sides of my face. "I was just worried baby. Promise me next time you'll answer my calls okay?" He asked. I nodded a few seconds later. "Now wipe those tears of your eyes and let's go home." He smiled at me and that's when the realisation hit me.

Looking at him I realised I didn't deserve him. I didn't deserve everything he was offering me.

Why would I deserve such an angel? I basically cheated on him. I could have stopped Harvey but I didn't. I could have screamed louder, push him away harder. I could have stopped it. But I didn't. What if its all my fault? How am I supposed to tell Shawn?

I made some bad decisions last night and what if all the blame is on me?

~On Monday~

I hardly dragged my feet to school today. I knew I had to face Harvey and everyone else.

I managed not to bump into anybody I was unwilling to see until the lunch break. I couldn't avoid them at the cafeteria and I knew it.

Harvey's company was staring at me all the time. I bet they know about what happened at Justin's party.

This was so uncomfortable. I felt everyone's eyes on me and I started sweating. Anxiety is hard to deal with.

"Odette!" Justin run up to me. "Justin please leave me alone." I whispered pulling myself back. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Can you not act like you don't know?" He seriously drove me crazy. I took a deep breath before losing control and I took a step back to walk away.

"No Odette wait!" Justin held my arm back. "I have no clue if anything happened to you." He said. "Didn't Harvey brag about what he did?" I asked and I felt my eyelids getting wet. "No. What do you mean?" Justin asked. I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell him that his friend raped me. I couldn't find the words.

"Hey you guys." Harvey showed up smiling like everything was fine. I pulled myself away from them. "What have you been talking about?" He asked us. "Did Odette tell you about the fun night we had at your party?" Harvey's fingers crossed my shoulder. I felt disgusted and I pulled my shoulder away from his hand. I didn't even want to look at him. I felt awful.

"What did you do?" Justin asked Harvey irritated. "What do you mean?" Harvey asked. A second later Justin had already pushed Harvey on the wall looking furious. "What the fuck Harvey?!" He yelled. "How could you do that?" Justin screamed again. I was left speechless. Justin realized I didn't want to sleep with Harvey and he forced me to do it. But for some reason he became furious.

"Justin what the fuck is wrong with you dude!" Harvey pushed Justin so hard that he hit the floor. "Never talk to me like that again!" He yelled at him. For once again we were the center of attention, great!

Harvey turned to look at me and I'm sure he wanted to say something but I talked first. "Stay away from me." I said and my voice cracked.

I turned around and rushed out of the cafeteria. I could spend another second around Harvey. I don't need his face to remind me what happened at Justin's party. I couldn't run away from the flashbacks and they were honestly killing me.


I'm so so so so so sooooooo sorry for not updating for sooooo long it feels like its been forever. But I had finals in school and I had legit no spare time

I really hope this smaller chapter does its work and I can redeem myself with it. There is so much more drama to come and now I'll be writing chapters in daily basis!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment down below for more!


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