|04| you again?

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Odette's Pov

The alarm started ringing in its desperate attempt to wake me up.

It didn't work that well, I went to bed late last night since I was watching my favourite show on Netflix.

I opened my eyes just to realise I was late, again. With just one quick move I stood up from my large comfortable bed and run into my bathroom. I didn't have much time to take care of my hair so I pulled them into a messy bun and I just applied a little make-up on my face. I wore a long red hoodie, grabbed my bag and run downstairs.

"Good morning sweetheart, breakf-" I interrupted my grandma. "Morning grandma but I can't have breakfast I'm late and I'll miss the bus." I said while putting my Adidas shoes on. I kissed her cheek and then run outside towards the bus stop.

The bus arrived almost on its time and my heart was racing since I thought I would be late. Plus, I was so damn hungry.

A quarter later I finally got to school's parking lot and I found myself running towards the building just like yesterday. But hopefully Shawn won't hit me with his car again.

"Hey!" A deep male voice scared me and made me stop running to check who was talking to me. Shawn. He pulled over next to me and opened the door of his car to get out of it.

"You again?" I jokingly said making him laugh. "Good morning to you too." I laughed as he got closer to me smiling. I tried to catch my breath. "Why were you running?" He asked me.

"I thought I was late, the bus took forever to arrive." I explained. "Don't you have a license?" He asked. "I do, I just don't have a car yet."

"You probably need something to drink." He said turning to his car and pulled out a Starbucks drink that was on the passenger seat. He handed it to me smiling.

"That's probably for someone else, I can't take it." I refused to take it all though I needed it. "I usually take it for ugh.. Camila. But she told me she stopped by Starbucks before coming to school as well. So she doesn't need it you can have it." He insisted. "Thank you." My smile got bigger.

"You're welcome, see ya later

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"You're welcome, see ya later." He smiled at me before he started walking away.

Shawn's Pov

I walked in the building searching for Camila before the bell could ring.

"Camz!" I yelled her name when I saw her walking to her locker. I run up to her. "Hey what's up?" She asked. "Camila I gave Maggie's drink to Odette and I lied to her that it was yours but you didn't need it so I handed it to her. She would never take it if she knew it was Maggie's so please if she asks you just say it was yours." I said in a hurry. She started laughing. "Shawn." She continue laughing while placing her books in her locker.

"First of all okay I'll play your game but just because I love Odette. Second of all why did you give it to her knowing Maggie will be mad if you don't bring her her coffee?" She asked. "I don't know, she seemed out of breath cause she was running to catch the bus and I thought she needed it more." I said scratching the back of my head. Camila smirked and started walking to her class.

"What?" I yelled so she could listen to me. She didn't say anything, she didn't even turn to look at me but I was sure she was laughing.

I took a deep breath and I was ready to walk to my class too when I saw Maggie approaching me.

"Morning baby." She came close enough to kiss me, I kissed back just for a moment and then I pulled away. "Wow that was the coldest kiss I've ever received from you Shawn. What's wrong?" She asked. "Um.. nothing, everything's fine. I just.. I forgot to get you a drink from Starbucks as I usually do. I'm sorry babe." I said. "Its fine Shawn don't worry." She giggled. I leaned on and pecked her lips once. "I need to go, see you later." I slightly smiled. "Okay, bye." She said before I walked away.

Odette's Pov

~After School~

"Hey Odette we're going to grab a cup of coffee wanna come?" Camila asked me. I looked in her car to see her and Loren waiting for my response. "Sure!" I smiled and got in the car.

We stopped at a coffee shop and hang out there for about an hour.

Since Camila and I had a project in Biology together we decided to go to her place and work on it. Camila drove Loren to her house and then we headed to her place.

She parked her car and she led me towards her two floor house. It looked fancy and I was excited to see the inside.

"Wow, it looks so cool." I said looking around when we got inside. "Thank you, my mom and I decorated it." She smiled.

"Why are there so many things from Canada?" I asked since I noticed some Canadian flags around. "Oh I never mentioned that but we're from Canada." She sounded proud of her country. "That's so cool, I've never been to Canada." I said while I was following her upstairs probably to her bedroom.

"Its so beautiful there trust me, I wish you'll be able to visit it one day." She said ready to open a large white door that was leading to her room. I smiled ready to enter it with her when another door in the end of the hall got opened by someone and then I heard Maggie yelling. I guess she was here with Shawn and that was his room.

"Remember you told me so!" She yelled and started running towards us. She looked really angry. Seconds later Shawn showed up at his door ready to yell her name I guess but he stopped when he saw me and Camila watching the scene confused.

"You again?" She angrily said looking straight into my eyes. "Maggie!" Shawn yelled, she glanced at him for a moment and then she run downstairs. We heard a loud bang from the door and we realised she left.

"I'm sorry." Shawn said as walked closer. "What's her deal Shawn?" Camila said in an irritated tone. "She wanted me to go clubbing with her tonight and when I refused so she started yelling at me about how we never go out and how I act differently the last week and stuff like that." He said running his fingers through his messy wavy hair, which by the way looked fine as always. "Then I told her to go clubbing herself and then you heard the rest of the conversation." He added.

"Okay I don't really care about Maggie's feelings Shawn but just tell your girlfriend not to scare my guests." Camila said walking in her room. Shawn looked at me with a confused look. "I'm sorry for her." He said again. "No need to be." I smiled and walked in the room with Camila closing the door behind me.

"I guess you don't like Maggie that much do you?" I asked her sitting on the bed next to her. "I really don't." She said opening her phone. "I mean, she's pretty and all but she has a shitty personality. I don't know why my brother can't see that. Everyone knows about what kind of person she is but.. He's such a fool sometimes." She added. I liked how much Camila cared for Shawn, and how she was being honest with me.

"Well she definitely dislikes me." I said giggling. "She's just jealous cause you're friends with Shawn. She's jealous of every girl breathing around him." Camila said. "But Shawn really likes you so you shouldn't let her affect you." And added. "How do you know?" I asked. "I can see it." I smiled to myself.


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