|22| i have nothing

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Odette's Pov

Its been a couple of hours since we called the police and they have already started their research.

I was so worried and scared about my grandma since she was the only family member I had.

Yes, I just said that. My mom never treated me like her daughter, so I'll never treat her as my mom. My grandma was one of the most important people in my life and I just couldn't lose her.

"Shawn." I looked at him. "What if this is all my fault?" I asked with teary eyes. "Love don't say that again. Your grandma is fine and I'm sure the police will find her soon. All you have to do is give her a tight hug when you see her." Shawn encouraged me smiling. "I swear I'll hug her and I'll never let her go." I said with my voice cracking.

"We gonna get through this together sweet." Shawn kissed my forehead. "Shawn I love you." I said. "Baby.." he let out a soft smile and he slowly touched my two cheeks. "I love you so much more." He said giving me comfort.

Shawn's Pov

The endless wait was messing with Odette's patience.

The police wouldn't call us and I couldn't stand watching Odette like this.

I tried hard to give her hope and act bravely in front of her but to be honest I wasn't sure if her grandma would be alright. And I was scared. I kept on praying for her safety because I knew Odette needed her.

After several hours waiting and waiting for a sign that she was okay, Odette and I decided to drive back to my house since we had no news.

Odette seemed tired as hell and I hated myself because I couldn't do anything.

"Baby you need to get some rest." I rubbed her shoulder as she sat on my bed. "Can you sing to me? It always relaxes me." She asked in a soft fragile tone. I nodded smiling.

I waited for her to get ready for bed and when she did I turned off the lights and grabbed my guitar. I sat next to her on my bed as she was adjusting herself between the pillows.

"Can you sing something happy please?" She whispered with her eyes closed. "Of course baby." I nodded and started playing some melodies with the guitar.

It took Odette a while to fall asleep and when she eventually did I left the guitar next to the bed and slowly walked downstairs to get a glass of water.

"Hey why are you awake? Its so late." Camila asked me since she was already in the kitchen eating a toast. "I was waiting for Odette to fall asleep first." I said grabbing a glass.

"We didn't have any news from her grandma right?" She asked. "No." I said looking at the floor.

"Shawn I wanna talk to you about something. Take a seat." Camila sounded serious. "What is it Camz?" I said sitting next to her.

"Odette hasn't been feeling well the last days and I was really worried. So I talked with Bradley the other day and he told me that he had witnessed Maggie treating Odette like shit a couple of times. And its not only that, he told me that the Maggie is slowly turning the whole school against her and I'm really scared Shawn. You know how much I love Odette and I don't want her go through bullying again. I'm afraid she'll hurt herself." My heart was aching while listening to Camila saying those things to me.

"Odette never mentioned something like that to me." I said. "She's just scared Shawn. And this whole thing is making her depression worse." Camila said. "This is so serious Camila. I can't believe they could treat Odette like this!" I said furiously. "Promise me you'll protect her no matter what." Camila touched my hand with hers. "That's a promise to myself." I stood up and hugged my sister ready to walk back in my bedroom.

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