Alone for the Holidays (MiniCat)

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I stood at my window, watching eagerly out into the snowy night awaiting the arrival of my boyfriend, Craig. He was coming over to celebrate Christmas with me for the first time in years. You see, I've been in prison for ten years for a bank robbery. I only got out early because of good behavior and Craig doesn't know. So I asked my parents to call him up and bring him here so I could surprise him. So here I am waiting for him to arrive.

An hour passed and I frowned. He should be here by now. His plane landed at 5:30 and it's only an hour drive from the airport to here and it's now 7:00.

"Maybe he's just stuck in holiday traffic." I said out loud to myself, running a hand through my brown quiff nervously.

I heard tires in the driveway and I snapped my head towards the window. Bright headlights shone through the windows, making my face light up figuratively and literally. I quickly made my way to the door, opening it a little. I saw a rather handsome man get out of the uber and give the driver a wave and smile as they drove away.

He turned and looked up at the house, his blue eyes scanning all of it. I heard it let out a sigh. Oh how I wanted to go out there and hug him and never let him go. Then i remember that nothing is stopping me.

I take a deep breath before opening the door slowly, causing Craig's head to snap over to it. I flicked on the porch light so he could see me. He dropped his bag. His blue eyes widened and started to tear up. I gave him a smirk.

"You just gonna stand there or are you gonna come fucking let me love you?" I shouted at him, opening my arms.

He let out a sob and came running into my arms, tears streaming down his face. I hugged him tight, kissing his head repeatedly.

"I missed you so fucking much, Tyler." He sobbed, looking up at me with puffy blue eyes.

I leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips that I always loved the taste of. He kissed back, wrapping his hands around my neck. I missed this so much. We pulled apart for air and I hugged him again.

"I missed you too my Wittle Mini Craig." I said in a baby voice making Craig laugh. I smiled at the sound. I let go of him and picked up his bag.

"Let's get inside and hang out in there. You know drink hot chocolate, watch some Christmas movies, have some good reunited sex, Whatever works for you." I winked at him causing him to giggle. He gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'll do anything as long as it's with you." I smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the front door.

"Why are you out so early anyways? I thought you had a few more-" Craig was cut off by a gunshot ringing through the air.

Out of instinct, I quickly grabbed Craig and threw myself over him as to protect him. I looked up to find the gunman but found no one. I got off Craig and looked around a little more.

"Tyler......" I turned around and looked down at Craig, eyes wide. I rushed to his side.

The whole front of his shirt was covered in blood along with his hand. His once bright blue eyes were slowly becoming dull and lifeless. My breath hitched and I frantically tried to stop the bleeding.

"It's no use, TyTy......" Craig whispered, putting a blood on my face, wiping my tears away. I let out a sob and took his hand in mine.

"No, Craig......Don't leave please. We'll get through this. You'll live and get married and adopt a kid! Please don't leave me." I sobbed, wiping away his tears that had started falling down his face.

"I'm sorry,'s no use. I love you......I'm sorry." He chokes out, his grip on my hand loosing. No. I'm losing him! No!

"Oh no, Craig. Don't fucking leave! You hear me! I just got you back! Craig!" I screamed at him,shaking his body while tears streamed down my face.

He squeezed his eyes closed and gave me a smile. Then he went limp. Cold. his eyes dull. And I sat there on my front porch, hugging his body and sobbing.

"Why'd you leave, Craig......Why?" I sobbed, kissing his body repeatedly. Everything in me just broke. I couldn't live without him.

I stood up and carried Craig into the house, setting him down on the couch gently. I kissed his cold forehead before walking towards my room. I opened my bedside table drawer and pulled out a gun and loaded it. I walked back into the room, tears streaming down my face and gun in my hand. I sat down next to Craig, taking his hand in mine.

"I can't live without you. I can't. I'm sorry but I can't, Craig. At least now we'll be together in death. Maybe we can adopt a dead kid." I laughed a little at the end, choking back sobs.

Craig just stared at me with dull lifeless blue eyes. I gave him a final kiss and took his hand.

"No more lonely Christmas's......" I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger.


I told you guys that the happiness wouldn't last long 😀. Your welcome. Tomorrow's will be happier I promise 😁. Sorry if this is short I didn't really have much for it so yeah. And as always I hope ye enjoyed!


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