Wall Talk (BasicallyIDo407)

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A/N: Okay first off, I've been meaning to do this for them. Cause it's the only one I have never done.  Marcel and Scotty everyone! Sorry, I just love them. I love Simone and Marcel & Scott and Crissy but Scott and Marcel. Mmmmmmm guuuuurl. Anyways, as always I hope ye all enjoy!


These aren't the highest budget apartments. Small one bedroom. Thin plaster walls, Roaches sometimes, tearing wallpaper. The kitchen is missing some tiles on the floor and the plumbing just straight up fucking sucks. But it was my only option when I moved out to the city after college. When your job is making balloon animals, you can only afford so much.

I sigh and flop down on my bed after a long day of work. Even if I don't have to really do anything but entertain small children and twist rubber full of air into animals, still tiring. I rub my face, groaning into my hands. I didn't even make that much tonight.....

"Could have been worse, Marcel," I tell myself out loud, ending with a sigh.

I lay in silence for a minute, hearing only people arguing next door, mixed with the traffic from outside my open window. Though I focus my ears more on my neighbors. Even if I haven't been here long, they always seem to be fighting.

"Get your shit and get the fuck out of my life!" One of the voices shouts, the anger and broken heart seeping through his words.

"You can't just kick me out of my own home!" The other voice shouts back, just as angry.

"Your home?! I work! I pay the rent! You just lay around and boss me around! You're a freeloader, Anthony and I are sick of it!"

The response is followed by an angered noise than a door slam. I wince as it shakes the walls and Anthony's footsteps pound down the apartment stairs outside my door. Christ is he loud. How have they not gotten kicked out yet?

I let out a sigh, hearing the squeak of springs and sobs from across the thin wall. I try to ignore him, none of my business really. His problem, not mine. But his sobbing only gets louder as I prepare for bed, changing into some comfy PJs and brushing my teeth. His wailing making it impossible for me to relax.

"Oh, my fucking-" I growl, sitting up and pounding on the wall.

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" I shout at him, the crying stopping for a minute. He pounds back at me.

"Will you mind your own damn business!?" He shouts back and I just huff in annoyance.

"It is my business when your crying is keeping me awake!"

"Does it sound like I give a Fuck?! You can take your complaints and shove them right up your ass!"

I let out an angry sigh as he sniffs. We're both quiet for a minute, listening to the sounds of the city outside. I kinda feel bad for this guy, his day doesn't sound like it was any better than mine. Maybe I was a little too harsh.  

"I'm sorry, man," I sigh again, "Just had a long day at work." 

The man on the other side of the wall lets out a small chuckle. I can hear him shift around and get closer to the wall. 

"Yeah, sorry for keeping you up. I'm Scott by the way." He replies and knocks gently like he wants to shake hands but we cant. I knock back where he did and smile. 

"I'm Marcel." 

We talk for the next few hours, joking and getting to know each other. I tell him about my amazing balloon twisting skills and he tells me how boring his office job is. I don't ask about whoever Anthony and he never comes up in conversation. We find out that we both enjoy playing videogames and make plans to play together. We also have a few mutual friends it turns out we had just never been introduced. 

"Hey, Scott. I know we just met but maybe we could go out for coffee tomorrow? Or you could come over and I could make you something." I offer. Maybe I don't know him too well, but I think we could be good friends. 

"Sounds like a date, Marcel. See you tomorrow." Scott answers, my ears turning pink. A date? 

"What do you mean date, Scott?" I ask but get no answer. 

"Damn you, Scotty." 


"And that's how we got together." I grin, leaning back on the couch with my arm draped across Scott's shoulder. 

Our friends are scattered across Tyler's living room, looking at us in awe and approval. Scotty and I have technically been dating for four months but never told anyone. About a few weeks after meeting, Scotty officially broke it off with Anthony after he came back begging for him back. A few days later, I asked him out on our first official date. Scott, of course, said yes and we've been together ever since. Not purposely not telling anyone, it just ended up that way. 

So when Tyler invited us both separately to his and Craig's fourth of July weekend, we decided it'd be a good time to let everyone know. They were more than surprised when we walked in hand in hand. Craig almost fainted, I've never been so tightly hugged by Brock before, and Tyler's 'treat him right' speech gave me literal chills. We then spent an hour recapping our meeting. What happened between Scotty and Anthony, how annoying I thought he was at first. 

"Goes to show how good can come out of bad." Brock smiles at us and I nod, leaning over and kissing Scott's light brown hair. 

"Thank god for those thin walls." I smile and Scott leans into me

Thank god for those thin walls.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bonus Dialouge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh yeah, motherfucking beauty queen over here, still get's mad when I breathe too loud when he's trying to sleep," Scotty says and I scoff. 

"Gotta get those hours in man. I deal with children all day, I don't even want to hear it from your computer technician ass." I respond and he elbows me in the ribs. 

"I already love this chemistry," Craig gushes and I roll my eyes while everyone else snickers. 

"Love an obnoxious insult based relationship." 

"Craig, that's literally our relationship," Tyler says, looking down at his boyfriend. 

"You right, you right." 


The first one for them. I started a lot of these a while ago and left them unfinished but now I'm getting around to them. It's a work in progress but I'm getting there. Also, I know it's kinda short but ehhhh, they'll have better ones. I also love Anthony and he isn't a bad guy but for the sake of this. But as always, I hope ye all enjoyed and I'll hopefully see you all in the next chapter. Peace. 


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