Angel With a Shotgun Pt. Two

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A/N: this part is short like not the A/N but the story it's self. The A/N is always short but okay. Can we agree that in the fan art above, Delirious looks like a male stripper. I sent that to my friend and she was just scarred. It was great. I'm sorry friend, you know who you are. Anyways, here's the one shot and I hope you enjoy!

Dear Mini, my obnoxious annoying little shit,

Hey Bitch, I know you’re fucking crying so stop it. If you don’t I’ll fucking come back from the dead and fuck you so hard your tear ducts break. Not that you wouldn’t mind though. But seriously stop crying. You crying makes me cry and makes me hate myself more than I already do. I’m sorry I fucking left you. I know we fought a lot and we always had problems with each other and it always seemed like I was mad at you but in reality, I just didn’t know how to act. I really loved you and I didn’t know how to show you. And now I can’t because I’m fucking dead. Just know that I loved you. So so much. Even in death I love you and always will.  I know I never really told you or showed you but it’s true. Now stop crying and be strong as fuck. Don’t lose your annoying ass little personality because I’m dead. And remember my threat. Also, Bryce should have given you a box with my pig mask inside. Take good fucking care of it. I love you. I miss you.

-Your very handsome boyfriend, Tyler.

I handed Mini the letter and the mask and he held them both to his chest, sobbing.

“You were such a fucking prick………But you were my prick. And you left me.” He half laughed half sobbed, causing Brock to get up and wrap him in his arms.

“I’m sorry, Mini.” I said, pulling the next letter out. He just nodded and gave me a small smile. Brock sat down next to Mini and hugged him as everyone else turned back to me.

“Who’s next?” Ohm asked quietly and I gave him a small smile before answering. “To my cute Bunny……”

A/N: Hahaha next is OhmtOoNz so you can only expect it to be sad. Anyways, I keep promising that TerrorNuckel story but you know I'm a procrastinator and it might take a while. Apologies. But soon. Soon. Don't know how soon that soon will be but Soon. Anyways, as always I hope ye enjoy!


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