
670 14 3

Trigger Warning: Suicide

Everything about tonight is as it should be. The wind is calm, the sky is full of stars, the moon is shining down bright on the metal frames of the long bridge. Street lights flicker and cast a yellow glow over the paved road of the bridge, which is empty and abandon. Only the perfect night to die.

Brock has never thought about death in his life. He's always been painted as the happy one, which he usually was. Keeping everything calm and making sure his band mates were always happy and healthy. Taking care of his boyfriend, he never minded the mother like role he had with his friends. It was an easy life. Until all of a sudden it wasnt.

Suddenly Brock wasn't happy. He wanted to be. He would reach out to the feeling, trying to keep himself busy with things that made him happy. But nothing worked. He was sad and he couldn't explain why. The worst part though was how no one noticed.

He was use to being under the radiator, making himself known when he had a funny joke or something serious or kind to say. And that was all fine with him.

Until he got this way. They stopped listening to his funny jokes and only came for the advice. Anything he said was brushed off or ignored. Though he wouldn't let it bother him, his friends had more serious issues to be dealing with. But a little voice inside always told him it was unfair and that birthed a strange anger in him. It just spiraled him down deeper into this darkness.

He always did a good job at hiding it though, he was used to suppressing his feelings until they were long forgotten. But for some reason now he was finding it hard to contain his saddess. He was starting to feel like a burden because of the random emotional outbreaks and bland, blunt jokes. Though when asked, he would say it was alright and that he was alright. He would lie. And they'd eat it up.

So here he stands, feet balancing on the metal beam of the bridge, arm gripping another beam and eyes glued to the sky in front of him. Rapids rushed below him, the sound of the water crashing was almost comforting. A terrible fate wrapped up in a beautiful facade. Brock is ready to join the current.

He glances around himself again, making sure there was no one to stop him. As far as Brock could tell, this was for the greater good. Sure it would hurt his friends for many years. Brian especially. But they'd find in the end that it's what they needed. A small smile formed on Brock's face as he turns back to the water.

The rocks and waves tempt him below, calling to him. Half of him wants to jump but the other half is trying to pull him back onto the ground. But no, there is no stopping this. The part trying to stop him is easily swallowed by the sadness and anger that's driven him to this point. He's ready.

A swift release of his arm and a small step forward, Brock is barreling down. Down, down, down. Eyes closed, body limp. There is no pain just darkness when his body smacks into the water below. And so he floats there, his heart slowly pumping out, getting quieter and quieter in his chest. Soft breaths puff out of his mouth for the last few times.

Then he's gone.

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