Chaos (OhmtOoNz)

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They both knew what they were doing was wrong..... forbidden.
They knew the consequences of their secret affair.
But that never stopped them. In their young eyes, they were soul mates.
Meant to be.
Something out there had decided that even though they were enemies, they would fall in love.
It was meant to be.
They were under the impression that with every Kiss,
Blissful night.
Cuddle filled morning.
Nothing could stop their love.

And they were so blinded by that idea.
That comfort that they would be together forever, that they didn't notice the chaos that had entrapped their lives.

They were too blinded by love that they didn't notice the Bloodshed.
The Chaos that had engulfed their families.
Their people.
The lives they were meant to live.

It got even worst when their affair was uncovered.
The Chaos induced.
With their love came Death.
They were forbidden to see each other ever again.
This lead to Countless:
Lonely Nights.
Tear Drenched Pillows.
Lifeless Hearts.
Empty Souls.

But....they didn't care. They were too deeply in love with each other, they couldn't give up.
They were to be together forever.
Never leave each other.
Till death do us part......

So they Ran.
And Ran.
And Ran.
And Ran.

They ran to where the humans roam and play.
Where they could be free.
Where they could be together.
They didn't care about the Chaos that was brought to the human plain with them.
They didn't care that they might die.
They just wanted each other.

Chaos is an Angel.........

Chaos is an Angel

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Who fell in love.....


A Demon......

A/N: Greetings and Salutations my Fine Feathered Friends! That's a quote from something but I don't know what

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A/N: Greetings and Salutations my Fine Feathered Friends! That's a quote from something but I don't know what. Anyways, sorry I haven't publish in a while and also sorry if this is bad I felt like writing something quick tonight before going to be for yet another day at Hell tomorrow :D. So yeah I'm sorry. I'll be publishing again sooooooooooon and I have something fun planned 😏😉😏😉😏😉😏😉😏😉😏😉😏😉😏 it'll be great. Also the collage at the beginning is something I made a while back because I was bored and I have one for each ship which will have one shots to go with them all. Anyways, as always, I hope ye enjoyed!


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