Abuse (H2OVanoss)

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Trigger Warning: Domestic abuse

"Hey, Jon! I'm going to be in the shower, okay?" I look up from my phone to see my boyfriend, Evan, poking his head from the hall into the living room doorway.

"Alright. Hey, are we still going to Tyler's today?" I ask, putting my phone on the arm of the couch and getting up. I lean in the doorway in front of him.

"Yeah, I think so. Do you not wanna go?" He asks, tilting his head slightly and grabbing me by the waist.

"I was just asking. Why wouldn't I want to go to their baby shower? We picked out all the cutest gifts for the small child." I smile and give him a peck on the lips.

"Now go take your shower." I try to wiggle out of his arms but he wouldn't have it.

"Not until I get an actual kiss from my beautiful boyfriend." He grins, causing me to sigh.

I grab the back of his head and pull him into a kiss, to which he happily complies. He pulls away and gives me a goofy grin.

"Thanks, babe." He let's me go and makes his way to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and scratch my head, thinking about what I should do.

"The kitchen is a mess. Maybe I should work on that. Considering that if I don't do it, it'll never get done." I chuckle to myself and make my way to the kitchen, surveying the mess.

Half our dishes are either piled on the counters or over flooding the sink. There are food stains on the island and the milk had been left out from this morning. It smells ransid. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head. 'I'm living with a heathen.' I think to myself, starting to remove the dishes from the sink so I could wash them.

While I wait for the sink to fill up with warm soapy water, my mind drifts back to the last time I had to clean something like this. It was never a found memory of mine.


"Jonathon!" A southern drawl screamed at me from the living room. I wince at it, continuing to wash the plate I was washing.

"Yeah, Luke?" I squeak out, hearing him walk into the kitchen.

He fixed the sleeve of his button up shirt, rolling it up to his elbow as he looked around the kitchen. His hard brown eyes finally landed on me and I could feel his disappointment.

"This was supposed to be done before I had to leave." He said, causing me to look down into the sink of soapy water.

"I-I know, Luke. I j-just-" he cut me off with a hard slap to the face. I nearly fell from the impact.

"First off, look at me when you speak to me. Second off, I gave you simple instructions. And you couldn't follow them." He sighed as I brought myself back up to a standing position. I glanced over at him.

"I-I I'm sorry." I said, picking up the plate from the sink again to continue washing it. Due to the slick soap, it fell out of my shakey hands and onto the ground where it shattered.

"What the Hell, Jonathon!" He growled, grabbing me by the hair. Tears feel from my eyes as I tried to sob out an apology.

"You know what happens when you break things." I shook my head and tried to protest.

"No! Please, Luke! I didn't mean to! Stop!" I screamed, tears running down my face as he pushed me onto my knees.

None of my sobs and screams stopped the larger, stronger male from pressing my face down into the broken shards of plate.

End of Flashback

"Jon? Jon!" I call for my boyfriend as I walk out of the bathroom. I hear something crash and then screaming.

I make my way swiftly to the kitchen to see Jon crying in a corner. A broken plate on the floor by the sink. I carefully step around the broken glass with my bare feet and over to Jon.

"Jon? What happened? What's wrong-" I try to ask but he just starts crying harder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" He cries as I pull him into my arms.

He thrashs and wiggles around trying to get out of my grip. I have a good hold on him, trying to calm him down.

"Jon, hey, I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay, baby doll. It's me. It's Evan. You're okay. Calm down." I tell him, running my hands through his fluffy hair.

He hiccups but calms down, his breathing going back to a normal rate. His thrashing stopped. I continue to stroke his head and hush him, rubbing circles on his back.

"Hey, Listen. I would never hurt you, Jon. Ever. Especially over a stupid plate. Okay? And also," I tilt his head up to look at me. "I will never let anyone else hurt you either. It's okay. You're safe here."

He sniffs and buries his head into my chest, rubbing his beautiful eyes that are now red and puffy. I can only guess what happened. I know Jon gets flashbacks to his old boyfriend who would beat him senseless sometimes. Rape him too. Jon told me once when we started dating that he only wears the mask due to the scars he gave him by shoving his face into broken glass. I guess he just had a flashback and freaked out.

"I'll tell Tyler that we can't make it. I'll clean this up and then we'll cuddle with your favorite snacks and some hot coco and watch your favorite movie or play your favorite game. How does that sound, baby?" I ask, watching him nod his head yes.

I scoop him up in my arms and carry him to our room, laying him in the bed under the dark blue covers. I kiss his forehead before going to leave to get the snacks and clean up the plate. But he stops me by grabbing my hand.

"Thank you, Evy. I love you." He sniffs and I smile, leaning down to give him a kiss. He complies.

"I love you too, Jon." I tell him before kissing his forehead and leaving the room.


I figured I haven't written too many H2OVanoss ones so boom. This was also one of my favorite prompts out of the ones I found and I don't know why. I think it was going to be a Minicat one originally but I was like 'No, I couldn't do that to my bois.' So boom. While writing this, I was going to make Luke drunk and abusive in the flashback but then I realized that you know, people can be abusive and not drink. Or do drugs. Some people are just assholes like that. Also, I don't think Luke is an asshole and would ever do this but for the book. Anyways, as always I hope ye all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next chapter. Peace.


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