Silent Scream (OhmToONz)

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Trigger Warning: Self harm

I push through the halls of this Hell for a high school

Hood up over my dark hair

Hands buried deep inside my hoodie pockets

Seeves all the way down to cover the red lines along my wrists

I'm caught up in your expectations

You try to make me live your dream

But I'm causing you so much frustration

And you only want the best for me

People whisper about me as I pass

Reminding me of reputation

Of who I have been formed to be


He's the opposite of who I want to be

Of who I am

You're wanting me to show more interest

To always keep a big bright smile

But everyday I fail to impress

So I cry once in a while

I smile

I laugh

I do what I'm told

Trying to hide the pain I'm always in

I even keep up the act when I'm alone

In fear that someone will see that I'm not Perfect

And the storm is rising inside of me

Don't cha feel that our worlds collide

It's getting harder to breathe

It hurts deep inside

I felt I could never show my true colors


I met Him.


I can't speak with him

It'll blow my mask of protection off

My parents can't have an imperfect and gay son

Just let me be who I am

It's what you really need to understand

And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me

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