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Okay. So I've been working on new oneshots so please forgive me because I keep lying about updating cause I'm a stupid bitch with no will power to complete anything.

But I was rereading some of my old ones and I just couldnt help but cry cause I made so many people sad cause I'm incapable of doing happy things cause I'm dead on the inside. Which is a lie, I'm usually very happy. But I dunno, I've been in an odd mood where I'm going to cry and laugh and be a cunt but be sad about it. Ya know? And I know a good portion of you dont care but I mean fuck you, this is my book I'll upload whatever the fuck I like. Suck my non existent dick.

But regardless, I've just been so out of it and I cant fix it. I dont want it fixed. To a point, I'm happy to be a emotionally confused freak. Cause it causes a problem for others and that's funny. But uh, I'm working on one shots. Its just taking a while cause of my constant mood changes.

I'm probs a lost cause by now and I know some people are going to think that I'm dumb or ya know I'm just being dramatic but fuck all of you then I guess. I'll fuckin throw hands if you want to fucking fight. I'm lazy and stupid and people treat me like shit but that's fine.

I am a dumbass. I do say stupid things. I repeat things. I send people stuff that they've already seen. I find stupid shit funny. I am frustrating to most people. I am annoying.

But hey, its on you for staying around. I didnt ask for family or friends. So if you dont like it, pick up your shit and leave. Ill help you pack.

I am sick of feeling like I'm a piece of shit for being myself. I'm sick of taking pills so it covers up the stupid. I am sick of pretending to be something else. If you think I'm too annoying and dumb for your tastes, leave. You wont be that missed. At least now. I'll cry about it later. But eventually I'll be fine. Ill grow. Even if I lose everything, I'll be fine.

Goodnight, bitches. I hope this sinks in. Even though in the morning I'll have no idea why I did this. But thats fine. I'm living in the now. My dumbass will figure out what happened eventually.


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