Cottage in the Woods

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Alright. *Clap* So this is a little weird gotta say. And I'd first like to apologize for my lack of updates of the Musical series. My inspiration for them is lacking but they'll happen.

Anyways, this is different and weird. I had this idea in my head and yeah, it's kinda weird to ship YouTuber's significant other's with each other but I think they would be cute lesbians so leave me alone.  Plus it's pride month and I'm for sure, not the first person to do this. I also love them and their boyfriend/husband. So this is just a fun cute thing. Enjoy!


There's a small cottage in the deep pine woods of a far off place. Cut off from any and all connections with the outside world. The only way in or out is by a small foot worn path that you wouldn't know existed unless you knew where it was. Very few even know the place exists.

Its tucked away in a clearing by a fresh water pond with a stream cutting through the ground. The cottage hand made from pine and stone, covered in ivy and moss from its long life amongst the trees.

On one side, a large garden with a variety of vegetables and melons. Apple and other citrus trees grow near the stream. Various colurful flowers dot around the edge of the house. On the other end is a fenced in area with a single cow and a single goat, chickens roam around freely. Cats lay in the opened kitchen window, a spotted dog lays in the front porch in between two wicker rocking chairs.

One rocks back and forth, a blonde woman sits in it, a clay mug in hand and a smile on her face. Her platinum hair tied up in a ponytail, baby hairs framing her face. Her green eyes are calm but bright, watching the calm stream and the birds jump from tree to tree. It's a peaceful morning for Kelly. Her pie is in the oven, she's got her coffee, she can spend the whole day gardening when she's finally awake. Then her and her wife can sit on the porch and watch the sun set, eating salad and pasta.

Speaking of her wife, inside the house is even quieter than outside. Chrissy sits at the table, brown hair up in a messy bun, her brown eyes focused on the puzzle in front of her. It's half done, but she wants to finish it so she can get onto the next one. Her coffee is getting cold but she can always make more. She sighs, putting her cheek on her fist as she places a piece into place.

She's so focused, she doesn't notice Kelly waltz back into the house with an empty mug to wash and put away. The blonde walks over to stand behind her wife, looking over the half done puzzle on the knotted wooden table.

"You know, I was going to help you with that later." Kelly's voice breaks Chrissy's thought process and she let's out another sigh, sipping her now cold coffee.

"Yeah, I was just hoping I could finish it today so we could start a new one together." Chrissy counters to which Kelly chuckles, kissing the top of Chrissy's head.

"Well, you can finish this then, I'll be out in the garden. Weeding and what not." Kelly moves to put on her old lady like straw gardening hat and gloves.

"Maybe we can make some pasta sauce with those rip tomatoes?" Chrissy nods and gets up, giving Kelly a quick kiss on the way to dump her cold coffee.

"Sounds great. I'll do some work outs to clear my mind then work on that damn puzzle." She shoots a glare at the scattered cardboard pieces. Kelly laughs and head back out the door.

"Have fun!"

The day goes by quick. Kelly came back in only to grab her pie out of the oven and check on Chrissy who had changed into her workout clothes to do some stretches and a simple yet muscle working work out. She then spent most if her time in the garden, harvesting rip tomatoes and pulling up carrots. Her pears were also in season so she picked those, planning to can them later. Kelly then checked on the animals and feed them, giving them the love and affection they deserve.

Chrissy had spent an hour and half working out, showered then got back to her puzzle with some tea and a plate of cheese and crackers. With a clear head, she finished the puzzle within the next few hours. Satisfied, she left it out for Kelly to see and moved outside with a nice book to read and chat with Kelly while they took a lunch break. Sandwiches with home made ingredients and homemade lemonade which was only a little tart.

After everything was picked and they no longer had anything to work on, they laid by the fire place on the couch, Chrissy on Kelly with a blanket over them. Both reading their own novels, occasionally talking to one another about what was happening in them. Kino and Shilo lay on the rug, listening to their moms laugh and bicker with each other.

For dinner they made spaghetti, using pasta they'd rolled out the day before and using the fresh picked tomatoes for a sauce. The two women danced together in their small kitchen, boppin to the vinyl turning on their turn table. With a mix of fornite dances and the tango, the sauce almost burned and the pasta was almost ruined. They salvaged it though, not like it would have mattered much.

They end the night, next to each other in their matching rocking chairs on the porch. Eating dinner and drinking iced tea, watching the sun set behind the trees.

"Ya know, I'm kinda glad we decided to leave Scott and Tyler and move out here." Chrissy says, looking over at her wife. Kelly nods and sips her tea.

"Definitely is a more peaceful life." Kelly agrees, giving Chrissy's hand a squeeze.

They both sit in a comfortable silence, smiling and at peace.


So listen. I absolutely adore Scotty and Chrissy and Tyler and Kelly. Cutest couples I've ever seen. This was a bit of fun and when I came up with this, they weren't even lesbians. I just decided they left their men and lived together platonically. They are lesbians though cause pride and it would be cute so like. Yeah. Anyways, as always I hope ye enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Peace.


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