So as of present...*importantish*

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So if you've been keeping up with the group and recent stuff that's come up with them, you'll know that Mini and Lui are no longer the good and funny people we've come to appreciate. Women (some underaged) have come out about them manipulating and abusing them mentally and I will not have any of that. That's shitty and I'm so glad that they're coming out about it. If you don't know everything, there's Twitter feeds and stuff all over about what happened exactly.

That being said, I will no longer be using Mini or Lui in future one shots. At least as main love interests. I won't be taking down any pass one shots involving them because some of them are my best work and at the time they were written, as far as we knew, they were still decent humans. I no longer support Mini and his channels and Lui is kinda dead anyways so that's whatever.

So expect changes in ships, like DaithideWildcat will probably pop up a bit, I may still use Mini and Lui as villians or something. And if you see anything Minicat related, know that the mini in there is the mini from way long ago. Before he turned out to be a prick. It really sucks for me because it was one of my favorite ships and it still feels like I'm supporting him if I write about it and I feel bad for Tyler. It's a mess.

But yeah, I know I haven't been as active as I wish I was but a lot of things have been happening in my life and I've gotten myself into some bad places. But I'm trying to find inspiration to write and you will get the musical ones some day. Eventually. Sorry it's taking so long.

I appreciate you all for still reading and sticking around and all the support.

So yeah, as always I hope ye enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. Peace.


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