Holiday Party (BasicallyIDo407)

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"Do I really have to go?" I ask as Chrissy and Kelly both go through my closet, throwing my clothes around.

"Yeah, Scott. You do. When was the last time you actually went out to meet new people?" Chrissy questions, holding a red sweater up at me. She stares at it for a minute then nods, throwing it on my bed.

I sigh, sitting down next to the sweater. I dont answer her question but I know she knows the truth. I havent left the house for months. Not for any reason really, I just work from home and dont have a reason to leave. So leave it to Chrissy, my ex and the greatest friend I have, to drag me out to a Christmas party full of strangers. She hopes to find me someone and I'm just doing it to please her. Shes very stubborn, not like I could have said no.

"Come on, Scotty. It wont be all that bad. You know how many good lookin guys are gonna be there?" Kelly grins, throwing a green button up at the pile of clothes next to me. I roll my eyes, feeling my ears turn pink.

"Yeah. You could meet the man of your dreams. Big, strong, obnoxious. Packing MAJOR meat." Both girls laugh and I glare at them through my red face.

"You're both assholes you know that?" I snap and they only laugh again, throwing some jeans and red socks at the clothes pile.

"Yeah yeah. You love us. Get ready, we'll be downstairs." Chrissy ruffles my hair as they pass, closing my bedroom door behind them.

I groan and look at the outfit they laid out for me. A green button up, slim fit jeans with a red sweater to go over it all. Definitely not something I'd pick out for myself. To be honest I didnt even know I had any of this in my closet.

'God forbid I dress myself' I think, getting dressed and fixing my hair.

I stand in front of my full length mirror on the door of my closet, looking myself over. I look ridiculous, like an American Eagle mannequin. I sigh and turn away from my reflection to finish getting ready. I slip on a watch, make sure my phone is charged and spray myself with a few puffs of my cologne. Ready to go, I leave my room and hear the girls laughing as I walk down the stairs. It stops when they see me, both with big smiles on their faces.

"Don't say a damn thing." I warn before they can open their mouths.

"What? You look good!" Chrissy exclaims, Kelly nodding in agreement.

"Yeah well if I would have had the choice, it would have been a t shirt and sweats." I scoff, pulling on my nice brown dress shoes and coat.

Chrissy rolls her eyes as they get up and grab their coats.

"Dont be such a grinch, you can act like you'll hate it but I think you'll enjoy yourself tonight." She says in a matter of fact voice as the three of us step out into the cold evening.

"We'll see." I say, following them out to their car.

It's only a short drive to the Christmas party in question. As we pull up to the large modern home, I can tell its packed. Cars parked all up the driveway and the street. Christmas music and laughter can be heard faintly from the house. I swallow the lump in my throat as Kelly pulls into an empty space on the curb. We all step out of the car, me trailing behind Kelly and Chrissy who are linked at the arms. I'm just going to keep my head down and get through the night. Drink some maybe, stay away from the dance floor.

We stop at the front door, Chrissy giving it a hard knock. Its opened by a smiling man, half shaved brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. I can see the party past him, people drinking and talking over the Christmas music playing through speakers around the place.

"Hey girls! So glad you could make it!" The guy greets, giving Chrissy and Kelly both hugs as they walk in. He smiles and shakes my hand as I walk in.

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