"Your Scars are Beautiful." (OhmtOoNz)

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Trigger Warning: Self Harm

"You've been getting distant with me. What's wrong?" I ask him as he turns from the dishes he's washing to look at me.

His hazel eyes are bright and happy and a small smile plays on his perfect lips. But I can see right through him, the sadness in his eyes contrasting the dark bags under them. The fakeness in his smile and the pain on his face.

"I'm fine, Luke. Don't worry so much." He would always answer, along with a kiss on the cheek.

Knowing how sensitive he is to these things, I just smile and let him be. But I can't get over the pain he radiates or why he's in pain. Is it something I did? Did someone say something to him? Is it his mysterious past? I lie awake thinking about this while he cuddles into me. I want to ask but I don't want to upset him. I'll leave it be for now. For now.


"Ohm! I'm home!" I shout out into the house as I come through the door from work.

Usually Ohm comes hopping in with a kiss and the typical question; "How was your day, hon?" But today the house is quiet, which is odd because Ohm can't be out. He hasn't gone out in a few months which I don't encourage but he's stubborn so I can't force him into the outside world. The silence is still off so I try again.

"Ryan? Ryan are you home?" I walk towards the hall where our room is, peering into random rooms as I pass them.

The spare bedroom is empty along with the bathroom. He's not in the kitchen, dining room, or living room. He has to be in the bedroom. I stop at the door, lightly knocking on it.

"Ryan are you in there?" I ask, getting no answer. I wait a minute before opening the door.

Inside is Ryan, curled up into a ball on the floor. Soft whimpers are coming from him and he's soaking in a puddle of blood mixed with tears. I'm quickly at his side, turning him over to face me.

"Ryan! Baby, what happened? Are you alright?" I ask, pulling him up into me.

He shakes his head, trying to open his mouth to form words but they just come out in ragged, hoarse breaths. He just stops trying to talk and hangs his head, holding out his arms to me. Blood is dripping from long gashed on his wrists. He let's out an inaudible sob as I pull him into my arms.

"Hey it's okay now. I'm here for you. It's okay." I try to sooth him as he cries into my white dress shirt, the blood and tears staining the fabric.

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