Chapter 11

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Thursday February 13 2014

Well, it’s official. I had finished the recording process with my first band while in Baltimore! We were just in the final stages of mastering their EP that would be released in about a month from now. All the songs sounded top notch and I was excited because they were already scouted by another band that was popular in Florida, for a month long tour in a couple of states.

Every day Alex and I would have our small chats when I was going to and leaving work. Our conversations naturally flowed so we were barely ever in awkward silences.

Work was great, my social life was doing pretty good as well, the weather was starting to become better…It was just a great week over all :)


*The Next Day* (Friday)

“And you better not make definite plans for going out tonight, looks like there have been rolling blackouts in neighbourhoods surrounding Maryland because of bad weather, and it looks like it could be hitting us next, we’ll keep you posted on this story on the next news broadcast at 5:00 tonight.” I was watching tv and eating cereal and barely was even paying attention to the daily morning news broadcast from my cereal crouching in my mouth. All I heard was “blackouts” and “could be hitting us next” so I made sure to grab some of my candles and flashlights and kept them on my kitchen counter, just incase I would be left in the dark at home tonight.

About 45 minutes later, I was on the train and we were stopping at Alex’s stop, and to my surprise, he wasn't in the normal crowd. I had a small frown form on my face when I heard fast footsteps on the pavement. I looked up and there he was, running so he wouldn't miss the train. I had heard someone in the section next to our’s tell the driver to wait just a couple of seconds for him and I was thankful for that because by the time I would have reached the driver, we would've been long gone. Alex entered the train and immediately plopped himself down in the seat beside mine, holding his chest and breathing rapidly. 

“Hey” he breathed out at me.

I grabbed the water bottle I had in my purse and handed it over to him, giving him a smile and said “take it, you need it.”

“Thanks” he breathed out again, still trying to catch his breath. A long gulp of water later, he was gaining his breath back, “glad I made it”

“And that’s only because a guy close to the driver told him to wait a couple more seconds for you to make it on”

“I swear I’m not a fat fuck. Just really didn’t wanna miss this train and miss out on talking to you…oh and miss work too, yeah I guess that would be a bummer too…” he said scratching the back of his neck and giving an uneasy laugh.

“Well look at Mr. Big Shot Rockstar complaining about work, wah wah” I said faking crying sounds and poking his arm.

“Hm then I guess I won’t be inviting you then…” he said in a joking tone.

“I’m sorry what? Inviting me for what?” I said leaning towards him purposely asking in an annoying tone.

“Well it just so happens that Mr. Big Shot Rockstar has a show Saturday night at The Ottobar and well I was going to invite you to come to it, but since you’re essentially calling me a baby, I’m starting to rethink that idea” he said sending me one of his huge smiles.

I rolled my eyes at him, “well I’ll think about it”

He gave me a flyer that had all the information about the show including time, place, and all the bands that were playing.

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