Kou VS Sindria

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Because everyone needs to know which side we're going to choose.


It seems that Judal and Kouha weren't pleased by (Y/N) answer last time. Choosing Yunan is not an option sadly. So they decided to fix this blasphemy. With the help of Kougyoku, they continued their evil plan.

And now the main question is:

How did those two manage to get all the representative of both side to fight for (Y/N) and convince her to join their side?

Solomon knows how it happened, but we do not.

Back to our deadly conflict, (Y/N) was standing behind a pillar, watching Kouen and Sinbad from afar, who were staring back at her. The other members of the respective camps were all drinking some tea, chatting about diverse stuff, and completely ignoring the main event.

"...When do you plan of getting away from that pillar?"


"We can see you, you know."

"It doesn't matter."

They've been staring at each other for almost 10 minutes. And it was really long for certain persons. Judal already left, because he was bored.

Kouha was sitting on the floor, admiring the scene and wondering how it might end.

"You just have to choose."

And those words made (Y/N) take a decision. It also made the spectators to stop talking and watch.

And now You're going to choose your path dear reader.

Kou ending

It was suddenly clear in (Y/N)'s mind. She knew what she needed to do. Why did she even bother thinking about it?

(Y/N) left the pillar, passed through the two leaders, who watched her with curiosity, continued her path not even bothering paying attention to all the confused looks they were glancing at her. She finally stopped her track.

She knelt in front of Hakuryuu.

"I'm choosing Kou for you."

The said prince was completely taken aback.

"(Y/N) ..."

"Marry me."

"(Y/N) please stop!"

"My love for you will never end!"

"Not right now (Y/N)!"

Sindria ending

"And she stills behind that fucking Pillar!"

Judal came back with his bascket of fruit.

"Tch. You're really useless."

And his words hurt our poor (Y/N)'s heart.

Tears were pearling in the corner of her eyes.

"Bwaaaaaaaa! He's so mean!"

(Y/N) ran towards Ja'far and they hugged each other like a mother and her child.

Ja'far patted her head gently while she was sniffing like a 5 years old kid.

"I love you mom."

That's what she managed to say between two sobs.

I don't like to choose ending

"You know what? You're speaking the truth Kouha."

(Y/N) got away from the pillar.

"I could choose actually..."

(Y/N) took a deep breath

"Or I could run away!!!"

And that's exactly what (Y/N) did, she ran away.

Yunan ending

(Y/N) revealed herself, and faced her audience.

"I made a decision."

They all stared at her.

(Y/N) left her hand up and throw down a smoke bomb

"Ninja disappearing!"

The smoke blinded everyone who caught because of all the smoke. When the wind blew the smoke of, Yunan was standing at (Y/N)'s place.



Yeah it doesn't make any sense. Hope you like it anyway!

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